Asthma's a Bitch

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Request from juiceylemons its not very long, but I tried😂 don't know how bad you wanted the attack, so I made it really bad ;) love ya lol

Peter was already done with the day, and it was only his second period. Though admittedly, gym was one of the subjects he hated the most. With having to hold back and all of the taunting from Flash and the accompanying assholes, gym class did nothing to help Peter in any way. It didn’t help academically, physically, or mentally. It was pointless.

But he did it anyway, glaring at the teacher the entire time.

Today was just a workout day, but for some reason, it was hard for Peter. He didn’t know when his chest got tight, but he tried to ignore it. The problem was, once he had noticed it, it got harder to notice, and harder to breathe. He refused to stop though. He couldn’t let a little thing like asthma get the better of him. And besides, it was just lifting weights and doing things like jumping jacks and running in place. He could do it, he was sure.

Ned, however, was greatly annoyed at Peter. He had picked up on the wheezing early on and had told Peter to stop and maybe use his inhaler. But Peter, being Peter, just pushed himself on through the workout. Ned figured that the wheezing was from the gym, as it was really dusty. It didn’t help that the doors that led outside were wide open, letting in the cold air.

Ned sighed when the whistle blew, signifying the class was over. He was hot and sweaty, panting a little. Peter, on the other hand, was wheezing so loud that Ned couldn’t tune it out if he wanted to.

“Dude, you okay?” Ned asked, putting his hand on Peters back. Peter just nodded, trying to take a full breath. Ned didn’t believe him, but before he could make Peter get his inhaler, the boy was already walking to the changing rooms. Ned shook his head and followed, watching as Peter struggled to change and breathe at the same time. Neds worry just kept growing through the day.

Peter insisted on going to class, pushing on, all “business as usual, Ned”, and Ned had to hold back from smacking some sense into him. Peter was walking so slow that they were late to almost every class. Yet Peter still insisted he was fine.

He mostly insisted he was okay to calm himself. He knew he wasn’t fine. His chest felt so tight it hurt, so bad, and he couldn’t even exhale, let alone take a breath in. And even worse, Peter didn't have his inhaler. He had left it at the tower a couple days ago, sitting on the desk in the corner of the lab. He had meant to call Tony about it, sense he didn’t have a spare, but ended up being busy, and then just forgetting.

His chest tightened more, if that was possible, and Peter sat up straighter, trying to open his lungs up more. He could tell Ned was watching him from across the room, but he was too focused on not gasping for air that just wouldn’t seem to come.

Ned watched as Peter stood suddenly, walking out of the class. The teacher gave a small protest, but didn’t try to keep the boy there. Ned got up and followed after, the teacher not even commenting at this point, knowing that Peter and Ned left his class for random reasons, and he just didn’t care enough to ask anymore.

Ned followed Peter as he walked into a bathroom, sinking to the floor, clutching his chest. Ned felt panic rise in his stomach as he dropped to his knees by Peter.

“Peter? Peter talk to me.”

All he got as a response was wheezes, and Peter grabbed his chest tighter. Ned felt the panic twist his insides, knotting his stomach into a pretzel. His hands shook as he reached for Peters’ phone, which was conveniently sticking half out of his hoodie pocket. He clicked on the emergency call, tapping as fast as he could on Tonys’ icon. Peter made a strangled noise, starting to gasp for air that wouldn’t come.

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