Jail Cell

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I have just a doc of memes not even kidding so here is a Hamilton meme lol (listening to Non-Stop at full volume cause no one is here so tell me to stop so HA HA take THAT MOM (she doesn't like Hamilton)) Keeping on the Hamilton track, mom was annoyed with me one day because I was talking in French a lot and quoting Hamilton so she told me, "No more Hamilton, no more french."

So naturally my response was "oui oui mon ami je m'appelle Lafayette".

She's not happy.

It's cool. :).

This one isn't really whump, just Peter being an idiot (cause he's Peter).

Really, REALLY short, only about 694 words.


Peter 3rd person pov

Peter looked around the cell, wincing at the bright florescent lights. He sighed and leaned against the bars, glaring at the officers at a table playing B.S. (I've never played BS before, I' only watched it. is it fun?) 

"Hey! Wanna let me out yet?" he asked impatiently.

"Not until you tell us your identity!" laughed a cop. She seemed nice enough, and had actually explained to Peter why they were taking him in.

Man. How had he gotten into this mess?

Flashback(cause I can)

Peter chased after the criminal, panting. The dealer turned a corner and tried to hop onto a garbage can and hop onto a roof, but instead slipping and falling right into Spider-Mans arms. Peter  laughed and had to drag the criminal down the alley  to web him to the wall for the police to find later, only to find the police already waiting for him. They cuffed him so fast he hadn't realized what was happening. He hadn't wanted to seem like a threat, so he had just went with it.

From there, they had loaded him into the back of the car and driven to the police station (my dog speaks more eloquently than theeeeeeeee) and locked him into a cell. The one lady had explained that every person that worked with the law enforcement unit was under strict orders to bring him in for questioning. (where have you been? Uh, France?) Peter  just snorted and leaned against the wall of the cell.

End flashback

Peter sighed again.

"Do I at least get to make a call? You know, when you get detained you get a call. Does that not apply to 'mutants' and 'vigilantes'?"

The officers just sighed and shook their heads. The woman had gotten up and left the room. Only a few seconds later she had come back with a phone, slipping it between the bars to him. She nodded to him, told him he had to use speakerphone, and turned back to their game.

Peter huffed and typed a number into the phone and put it on speaker. It rang a couple times before the person on the other end answered.

"Hi, this is Tony Stark and I don't know who you are but state your case then lose my number."

"Hi, Mr. Stark, it's Spider-Man, you're on speaker and there are people in the room," Peter said, ignoring the shocked officers.

"KID! What phone are you using?"

"Um, I am using, uh, a, um, police officers phone," he said quietly. There was silence for a minute before Tony spoke again.

"What station? I'm coming to get you. And what happened?"

"Um So-n-so station (just roll with it). The law enforcement guys are supposed to bring me in and find out who I am."

"And do they know?"

"Pfft, no," Peter snorted. An officer glared at him.

"Okay. Hang in there, kid. I'm on my way and we will get this whole mess sorted out."

"Kay. Thanks, Mr. Stark."

"Tony, kid." And with that he hung up.

Tony 3rd person pov

When Tony arrived at the police station and went back to get Peter, you could say that he was surprised. 

Of course he was surprised! He had walked through a door to find three officer standing and one tied to a chair holding a mask, all staring at a boy in the corner with doe eyes and curly, brown hair falling in his panicked eyes.

Tony ran over to Peter, who was just short of hyperventilating, and gave him a hug.

"Breathe, Pete. Breathe for me, kid."

Peter took a few deep, shaky breathes and slowly calmed down.

Tony picked up Peter, the boy wrapping his arms around Tony's neck and legs around his waist, his face burred in the olders neck. Tony turned and glared at the officers.

"You will not speak a word about his identity, or you will no longer have a life. I will not kill you, but Miss Widow will. And if she does not kill you, I will make sure you will be jobless and alone for your whole life. Am I clear?"

The officers nodded, their jaws hanging open.

Tony smirked and walked out of the station, holding Peter as close to him as he could, protecting his kid from all the dangers of the world.


So I have my 1st day of school tomorrow and I just think it's really weird how the school system is like "let's start school on a Friday" but at the same time really grateful cause I don't think my mind is stable enough to be thrown into school headfirst for a whole week. I also have NO IDEA what to wear cause on one hand I am seriously considering walking around the hell-hole all day flipping the birdie but at the same time I'm pretty sure everyone already hates me so I might as well just wear joggers and a hoodie but at the same time I always feel like everyone is staring and judging so I might as well actually dress up. 

And don't even get me started on wearing masks ALL DAY LONG.

I hate life.

Sorry not sorry bout all the Hamilton. I just am playing the whole playlist in my head but it's cool.


Peace out,


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