Self Inflicted

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Lol so my friend that was supposed to come over got quarantined and I have noting else to do with life except history and type so I think we all know what I chose. I mean, homework, or escaping the hellhole that is reality? I think it's an easy choice.

Um I have an idea, yes? And the idea will probably make me slip again (that's just what I call falling back into a depresso state, ya know, cause I'm slipping) but who gives a fuck (not me, my parents, or majority of my friends so lol imma do it)

!TW! suicidal idealization, mentions of self harm. There will be no actual self harm cause I don't wanna do THAT today. 80


Peter was having a bad day. It was one of those days where you wake up and just immediately regret being born, and all the feelings clash until you don't even know what you feel. His alarm had gone off for school, and he was just about to hit snooze for the fifth time when Tony walked into his room. All Tony had to do was take one look at Peter, his head covered with one of the many blankets plied on his bed and his arm blindly, half-assedly trying to find the snooze button on his alarm clock to realize that today was just not the day for him. Tony walked over to press snooze for Peter who, once he heard his alarm stop, retracted his arm back into his blanket pile and the lump that was him under the blankets curled into a little ball. Tony snorted softly and sat on the floor, (criss cross applesauce)facing where Peter's head was.

"Not gonna be a good day today, huh?" Tony asked. He received a small huff and watched as Peter pulled the blankets tighter against him. Tony nodded to himself.

"Kay, Underoos. As much as I would love to let you sit in a ball on what looks like a very comfortable blanket fort, you know it'll just make you feel worse. If you're gonna hide under blankets, you can do it in the living room on the couch with me."

Tony waited for a second until Peter sighed and slowly moved the blankets so that his eyes were visible, and Tony felt so helpless seeing the pain in the chocolate abyss.

"Hey, there you are!" he said, smiling when Peter let out a small, breathless laugh.

"Kay, kiddo. T-shirt and then come out to the living room. Want me to get a shirt for you?"

Peter nodded and slowly pushed the blankets off and sat up while Tony went to his dresser and grabbed a t-shirt for him. Peter silently slipped into the t-shirt with Tony watching, and Tony had to blink back tears at the sight of the many scars littered all over his arms, chest and stomach. No matter how many times he saw the scars, his heart still ached for the boy.

 When Peter had the shirt on, he grabbed a blanket and draped it over his shoulders like a cape (that conveniently covered the visible scars on his arms) before grabbing five more blankets and waddling out of his room. Tony walked behind him, watching as Peter lightly waved at Cap, who smiled softly back but didn't make conversation as he knew he would not get a response. Peter walked over to the couch and dropped the blankets on the floor, just staring at the couch like it was a daunting task just to sit. Tony would have been alarmed if Peter had not explained to him that when he had bad days, all the energy would just be sucked out of him randomly, just adding onto the already awful struggle of even getting out of bed or opening his eyes. 

Tony walked over to Peter and helped him down onto the couch, covering him with his blankets and fluffing the pillows before sliding them under Peters head while Peter just kind of stared at a random point on the wall. The sun was shining just so that Peters eyes looked like pools of honey and you could see all of his freckles against his pale skin. Tony didn't know how Peter could hate himself to the point that he had hurt himself (not Starker I promise for those of ya who hate it)

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