Not an update but still a story

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So in Honors ELA we have to write a nightmare (we're in the Gothic Lit. chapter) based off of a picture and my groups picture was of a boy being held by a hooded figure in the woods (look up Young Boy and Hooded Figure if you want to see it) and so this is what my group scrapped together. The first two paragraphs are group work and the rest in what I wrote as a draft to go over tomorrow in class. I was just kinda proud of it and I wanted to share. 


One chilly, fall afternoon a little boy and his family had gone to the park and played. The boys were perfectly content to play in the park by themselves while their mom walked the trail. However, when their mom had left to go on the walk on the trail, they saw a strange person in the distance. The man seemed to trail smoke behind him, and he walked in a way that almost seemed too substantial for a walk in the park.

The boys thought nothing of it and continued playing in the park, awaiting their mom. They played a variety of games, and their laughter could be heard through the whole park as they played joyfully.

Once their mom had gotten back from her short walk on the trail, she had told the boys it was time to leave. She rounded the boys up and they walked out of the park to their (car?carriage?what era are we in?). When she had everyone in, she did a quick head count.The mom had thought all of her children were with her, but one of her little boys was missing.

This, of course, made her panic a bit and she rounded up her children again to go back and look for her curious boy of 5 years. They walked around the park for hours, calling out for him. The mother could have sworn that she heard him calling out to her, once even asking for her to help him. The shouts seemed to come from a close proximity, yet when she would look around, she would see no one.

And the boy watched, held against the stranger that had approached him, as his family looked in every corner of the woods, searching for him, and calling out for him to come home. He couldn't understand why she didn't answer when he called out to her, or why she was ignoring him when she would look right in his direction.

Eventually, the mother gave up and, crying slightly, took her remaining children and led them to their vehicle. They drove slowly out of the park, and the boy watched as they left, turning to look up at the stranger holding him tight.

Or an alternate ending that I like better.....

And the boy watched, held tight against the stranger that had approached him, as his family looked in every corner of the woods, searching for him, and calling out for him to come home. He couldn't understand why she didn't answer when he called out to her, or why she was ignoring him when she would look right in his direction.

At one point, the mother had pushed a bush aside and had let out a small, muffled scream and had backed away from the bushes as fast as she could. Then she had gathered all of her remaining children's hands and had abruptly left the park.

The boy had yelled, begged her not to leave, and she had ignored him. Yet something inside the boy knew that that wasn't the case. He might only be 5, but he could still tell when something was wrong. And so, still stuck against the stranger, he turned his head towards the bushes.

And saw his own, glazed over, bloody eyes looking back at him.



Hope you guys are all well!

Peace out,


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