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Um okay so I'm alive (unfortunately) I have had like six different assignments every night sense school started up again, so I am very sorry I haven't been posting. Idk if this one will be long or not, I'm not tracking words on this one I'm just typing (instead of biology cause if I'm already failing then it can't hurt my grade anymore hahaha *dies*)

Aunt May is a bitch in this one v sorry I apologize cause I love May but for the sake of the plot :(. Also there be language in this one. Cool? cool.

C'est quoi la vie? Je ne sais pas.


Peter pov

Peter sighed again as he turned his alarm off. He looked at the blaring red numbers on his alarm clock and furrowed his brow. 

It is Sunday, is it not? he asked himself. If it's Sunday, why am I waking up at 5:30 in the fucking morning?

Peter racked his brain, trying to think of a valid reason that he would put himself through so much torture.

Oh. OH!

It was the day that Tony had invited him over for games and a movie! He had had to tell May that he was just needed to clean a mess, because he know that if May thought he was going to have even the slightest bit of fun she would lock him in his closet. No. Not his closet. The closet.

Peter sighed again and started to roll out of bed, but the movement was unbearable. He couldn't hold back the timid scream that had been ripped from his throat when he had moved and felt his ribs brush harder against his lungs, or when he felt the cuts on his stomach re-open, or when the burning on his legs turned to a throbbing pain.

Peter was silent, listening for any sign that May would have heard him and had decided to give him a morning punishment. Morning punishments were always the worst, as May was always upset about being woken and would beat down on Peter relentlessly.

After three minutes of silence, Peter got up slowly and walked over to his dresser, grabbing out a dark tee-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and a grey hoodie and slipping them on.

Peter walked over to his door and slowly opened it, peering through the crack before walking out to make sure that May wasn't awake already, even though his spider-sense said that she was still asleep. Once he was sure he would not be spotted as soon as he stepped out of his room, he sped-walked towards the door, slipped on his high-tops, and closed the apartment door behind him. He didn't dare relax until he was blocks away, just passing by Mr. Delmar's. He let out a breath and relaxed his shoulders, intently tensing back up from the pain.

Peter sighed and stared at his feet the entire way to the tower. He stepped into the lobby, waved at the lady at the desk, and hopping into the private elevator.

"Hi F.R.I!"

"Hi, Peter. Up to game day?"

"Yes, please!"

"You seem to have multiple injuries, some being broken ribs and scattered cuts with varying depth. Would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?"

"NO! I mean-um-no, no I'm okay."

F.R.I.D.A.Y didn't respond, and Peter hoped she wasn't currently telling Mr. Stark about his injuries. He knew he was a burden and used up too much time that people could use so many other ways, and Mr. Stark was Mr. Stark! He had so many things he could be doing.

Just then the elevator dinged and Peter stepped out.

Tony pov

When Peter stepped out of the elevator, you could tell he was in in pain, but being careful not to show it. The hesitant way he walked, the wince he had to fight off his face when he would shift to move forwards, the way he held his backpacks weight.

Peter Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now