uuummmmmmmm i may have done something...

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So. Hi. I may have written a slight triggering story that is very long, and here it is. It has a lot of death, a lot of dead bodies, and it does include red apider lilies, so that is your trigger warning.

Also, not edited that well. Sorry.

Hi, I am very grounded and it's a miracle I am writing this. I have no clue when I will be ungrounded, but I'll let you know when I am!

Anyways, I won't talk to long.

Into the story!

When the plane first went down, engulfed in flames, Peter never would have thought that it would end with his parents being dead. Granted, he was only 6 at the time, and most 6 year olds don’t typically imagine any scenario where their parents would die. But die they did, and little Peter soon found himself shaking bodies that wouldn’t open their eyes and tell him that they were okay, that he was okay, that it would all be okay.

Eventually Peter realized that even if he could spend his whole life shaking his parents, they would not wake up. And anyways, he couldn’t spend his whole life shaking them. He was hungry, and he wanted food. More specifically, he wanted the cookies that the nice people always handed out on the planes. He looked around at all of the sleeping people and found the nice person that was on their plane, and he stepped over bags and glass as he headed towards her.

“Miss? Can I have some cookies please?”

The woman didn’t answer, and Peter frowned. Weren’t people supposed to respond when you talked to them? It was something called manners, wasn’t it? He shook her, and realized she was sleeping just like everyone else. He let out a small huff of anger. He would just reach into the cart and take the cookies himself, but that would have been rude, and Peter was anything but rude. So he stood up again and toddled out of the plane, the door having fallen open when it crashed. He looked around the area, taking in all of the greens. Green was Peter’s favorite color, for sure, and now he loved it 10 times more. The green just seemed to rain down on you, the sun making some greens look like they were glowing, and others draker.
Peter smiled at the greens and moved deeper into the trees, starting on his quest for food. The food he found would never be as good as the cookies would have been. Though maybe it would be, because couldn't the cookies taste bad if he took them instead of having them given to him?


Peter frowned as he heard another twig snap. He turned towards the noise, but again saw nothing. He huffed in annoyance and kept walking. He was heading towards the lake, where he had discovered sand that was perfect for starting fires on. He was always a smart kid, and he was pleased that he remembered how to start fires from watching his dad prepare for s’mores night. 

He was also a very quick learner, and learned that water was essential for survival. Any time he would have drank juice of chocolate milk was replaced with water. He was vaguely disappointed, but accepted it in stride, learning that he could make a little pot out of scrap metal from the plane and that he had to get the water really hot before he could drink it, otherwise it tasted funny. He learned that certain rocks were rocks and others were not, and when you smelt a wet dog to walk away slowly, because the ‘dogs’ were big and mean.

His head snapped towards the woods as he heard another snap, and he squinted, trying to watch the treeline for animals. However, what stepped out of the treeline was not an animal at all.

It was a person.

Or, Peter thought it was a person. Once he started to know better, he would realize that the figure that stepped out from the trees was a monster.

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