When Buildings Burn and Peter's Gain Freedom

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There's a lot of time jumps in here, but I don't think it's too hard to follow (otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.)

Speaking of posting, I'm alive! Theres a bunch of meducal issues going on with extended family so we're actually travelling right now (we're being carwful dont worry). And then I was caught on Wattpad, and my mom hates the app, so naturally I got grounded (like, phone locked up and everything), but it was unlocked a while ago and now i'm just trying to be more careful, because while I hate getting in trouble, I love writing and reactions from people more. I've also been reading the comments that have been coming into my email and the amount of times I almost started crying? Ridiculous, honestly, and it KILLED me that I couldn't respond for the longest time. But as you have probably alre adssau figured out, I'm responding now!

I will keep updating, it just probably won't be as often as I used to. I love all the feedback Im getting, and I never would have imagined that I would be anywhere as close to where I am today (granted it's not a lot compared to other authors, but it's more than enough for me). I really appreciate all of you who comment and vote, even those of you who just read because you have nothing else to do. You are all amazing.

Okay, sappy stuff aside, this shot is a little crazy. I like the idea of Psychopathic! Peter, so be warned lol😂😂😂 also, not super proofread, just kind of looked over a few times. Sorry not sorry😙

We have our heading, here we gooOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 

Peter smiled as he watched the building go up in flames, the support beams falling in. He took a deep breath of the fresh air, something he hadn’t been able to do in years, since he was three. He looked around the patch of trees he was in, observing his surroundings as if he hadn’t just set a HYDRA base aflame. Though technically, they had it coming. I mean, what do you expect from a fucked over psychotic kid when you push him too far?

And it was helpful that Peter could produce fire from himself. He didn’t know where the ‘gift’ came from, but he knew he’d always had it. It took him a while to learn to control the flames, but he figured it out eventually. He could make little designs on the air with them, small circles and twirls. He could do simple things, like starting a stove up to make gruel.

Or big things, like burning down a building with everything, and everyone, inside.

Peter smirked at the thought, turning to stick his tongue out at the building that was still burning. He could hear screams from his position, and was not the least bit remorseful about the fact that he loved the sound, the smell of the smoke and burning flesh. He turned away from the building again, sure that no one would be able to leave out of the barricaded doors (the ones he had checked five times before carrying out his plan), and started off into the woods.


Tony was on a hunt. He was determined to find the kid that was messing with his tech. Tony didn’t know how, but the mysterious kid, who no one could seem to put a name to, was making his tech...better. Improving it in ways that Tony could only dream of. And Tony wanted that kid on his side in his current war against Oscorp.

Though the more he looked, the more he was convinced that the kid didn’t exist. Of course there had been pictures, but when he had run them through FRIDAY, there was no match, though he did look similar to some people. The kid just didn’t exist. And yet his tech was being upgraded.

Tony sighed as he walked around another block. He was tired and hungry, and if he didn’t find the kid within the next minute, he was gonna go home and sleep, maybe keep looking tomorrow.

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