Chapter 30

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Things were going very smoothly between the lovers. Their frequent unplanned dates after office or on weekends, midnight chats, romantic texts and travel plans were on now. They were in their own dreamland. Most of the effort was from Jimin's side because he was afraid of losing the younger. After that movie night, Jungkook still did not dare to ask for a single date, because back in his mind he always thought what if Jimin would reject it. So, Jimin took the responsibility of nagging the younger to go out with him.

They had been planning for a while to spend a day together, by which they meant physical intimacy because both of them had been dying to touch each other, in other words they were hungry for each other's love, touch and embrace, for which they needed a private place.

However, life is not bed of roses, things doesn't always go according to the plan. When their love was growing and Jungkook almost forgave Jimin for his behavior earlier, the most unanticipated situation occurred. Yun-hee came back to Seoul to Jimin permanently, leaving her job in Venice, because she could not stand the long distance relationship, she wanted to be with her husband, also her husband's lack of interest in their relationship made her worried. One month after that team dinner night when Jimin chose to love Jungkook bravely, Yun-hee flew back to South Korea.

Hearing that news, Jungkook unintentionally went a step back, he stopped communicating from his side but Jimin did not stop showing his affection towards him. Stubborn Jimin would not let his Kookie go that easily, he made sure Jungkook still got his love. Even though he had to endure Yun-hee's presence at home all the time, he escaped many times to meet his Kookliet, because that was the face he wanted to see all the time.

It had been five months since Yun-hee arrived. Jimin and Jungkook's secret plan to spend a day together was postponed due to many unavoidable reasons, especially Yun-hee's presence made it impossible. So meanwhile they started to write letters to each other in traditional way. Jimin used to find a letter on his desk every Monday morning and he excitedly rushed to open the letter to read. While reading, his cheeks would hurt from giggling continuously and turn red as well, his bunny knew how to make his Jimmeo blush with his romantic elegant words, in another words, Jungkook's writing skill was very rich. The same way, Jimin used to write back a long reply to his Kookliet and put it on the younger's desk.

Even though it seemed like Yun-hee's sudden existence in Jimin's life did not matter much, still it did. Jimin was suffocating everyday by trying to be a perfect husband in front of her and fulfilling her demands, and on the other side, Jungkook was suffering thinking his lover was sharing the bed with that woman again but none of them talked about their pain to each other, at least not talking about the reality kept their relationship sane and simple.

Few more months went by, they were still on good terms but with time Jungkook started to feel the bitterness of their relationship, dating a married man was not easy, nothing was same as before, Jimin could not always pick up his lover's call or reply to his text right away especially when his wife was in front of him; even on weekend Yun-hee used to drag Jimin for outing - all of these were killing Jungkook's emotion slowly, he was turning into a hopeless lover and their relationship into a toxic one.

But Jimin promised the younger, the secret plan of their would definitely take place, just they were waiting for a right time and right moment because they had to manage both their families and workplace.

Finally after nine torturous months, Yun-hee decided to go back to Venice to see her parents and stay there for a while and Jimin found a right opportunity to execute the plan with his lover. After waiting for a long 10-month, they finally got to pick a date and book a room at a nice resort in Jeju to spend a whole day together. Difficulties in taking leave from work and handling families made their stay in Jeju short, they would be staying for a day only and be back the next morning.

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