Chapter 6

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"I cannot wait to see you, Jungkook." Jimin made the first call to Jungkook after getting off the plane. It was a very long month for both of them.
"Don't wait then. Come and meet me." Jungkook chuckled in excitement.
"Now? Really you want me to come now? I can do that if you want. I can come straight at your home from airport or anywhere you want to meet." Jimin sounded desperate.
"Haha, no, I was just pulling your leg. You should go home and take some rest. 20 hours flight, you must be tired. We will meet at office tomorrow."
"I could meet you now if you wanted but it seems you want to wait a bit longer. Then okay, I will see my bunny's face tomorrow." Saying that Jimin was about to hang up the call but Jungkook stopped him by saying, " Jiminie, I have something I want to give you tomorrow but it's a surprise, you have to wait."
"Kookie, you are driving me crazy. When will tomorrow come?"
"Tomorrow will come tomorrow." Jungkook cheered Jimin and they both laughed.

Next day at office........

Jimin came office early and waiting in his desk for Jungkook to arrive. He heard his footsteps and bounced off his chair, and then he went to Jungkook's desk. He saw a bright handsome face with dark hair sitting and giving him a teasing smile at him with his thin lips.
"Jungkook!" Jimin could not move his lips because he was mesmerised by his bunny's smile.
"Yes, hyung. How was your trip? And when did you arrive yesterday?" He intentionally teasing Jimin even though there was no other colleagues around them.
"Kookie became very naughty, I can see that." After breathing out he added, "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you, Jungkook." Jimin was still lost in Jungkook's eyes which were glittering of happiness and excitement Jungkook felt because of his minnie's presence.
Whereas, Jungkook was so excited that he again did not know how should he react. Jimin looked so fresh and cute in his new blue shirt, and he smelled like morning flowers.
"I know, Hyung. Now go back to your desk. I have to work." Saying that Jungkook burst into laughter.
Jimin smiled back and leaning closer to him, he said, "After office, your time is only mine and you won't be allowed to call me hyung, okay?"
"Okay, hyung." Jungkook laughed out loud again. Jimin raised his hand to hit him out of shyness but resisted.
They both seemed restless because they were waiting to end their office hour and meet outside to talk their hearts out. All day Jimin kept peeking at Jungkook's desk just to get a glance of his handsome face and Jungkook looked back with a broad smile to see his Jimin's face.

After office............

Jimin did not want to work late today. He got prepared and went to Jungkook's desk. Jungkook was ready to leave as well. It started raining suddenly.
"Ohh, damn. Kookie, I don't have umbrella with me today. We will have to wait now."
"I have one and I think it can cover us both. Do you want to go now in the rain?"
Jimin could not move his eyes from him, how much Jungkook has changed for him. He had used to behave so roughly with others and even with Jimin but those days Jimin's consistent care changed him a lot. Jungkook did not behave selfishly anymore and he had learnt to share. Only for Jimin.
Jimin agreed and they started to walk together side by side. Jimin was holding the umbrella but both were getting drenched since lack of walking pace coordination.
"Hobbit, give me the umbrella. It is hitting my head. I will hold it for both of us." Then he took it from him.
" Just because I am shorter than you, does not mean that I cannot hold the umbrella." Jimin pouted.
"No, because both of us are getting drenched."
Listening to that Jimin got closer and wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist, "Now we won't get drenched." Jimin shyly smiled like a baby.
Jungkook was both shocked and overwhelmed by his behaviour. He loved it how clingy Jimin was. Jimin was always looking for ways to come a bit closer to Jungkook.
Jimin's skin was glowing in the dark and Jungkook forgot to look forward. Jimin sensed that and blushed, " Stop it Kookie, look straight."
On their way to restaurant, they were walking under the umbrella, and talking and blushing all the while. Love was in the rain and in their hearts that beat faster together for each other.

At their favourite restaurant..........

Jungkook was devouring spaghetti as usual and Jimin could not stop watching his baby Kookie eating in rush.
"So, where is my surprise?" Jimin asked.
"You will get it. Before that I have a question for you. Which part of my body you like the most?"
"Do you want my honest answer? I think you won't like it?"
"No no, how worse can it be? Tell me."
"Your that." Jimin gestured with his eyes.
"Ahh, it's hard to be honest. That thing Jungkook, the thing that touches your chair."
"No your butt. Shit! I shouldn't have told you that. Don't get mad at me again. I answered honestly that's it."
"Ohhh, I see. That's why you always walk behind me."
"Hmm, yes. Because that's perfect. Now you tell me what do you like about me?"
"All of you. Your whole body is my favourite but your eyes are too pretty."
Both were looking down at their plate to hide their blushing face.
"Okay. Now my surprise please."
"Okay." Saying that Jungkook stood up to seat beside Jimin.
"I have to sit beside you for that."
Jimin got nervous and was waiting in anticipation for Jungkook's next action.
"There you go." Jungkook handed over a folded a page to Jimin. "When you were away, I wrote a poem for you."
"Jungkook, will you read this to me please?" Jimin insisted.
Jungkook started reciting the poem.
The name of the poem was 'Your eyes tell".
Jimin's eyes got all teary listening to his beautiful piece of work. Holding the poem on his chest, Jimin said, "I will always keep it to myself, no matter where I go. It is so beautiful. Did you write it all thinking about me?"
"Yes, for you." Jungkook was too shy too look at him.
Jimin took out a gift box from his backpack, "This is for my bunny and I bought it from the USA."
Jungkook unwrapped it and saw the latest apple watch. "Jimin, wow, thank you so much. I loved it."
" But this is nothing compared to the gift you gave me." Jimin pressed the tissue to wipe off his tears.
"Jimin, I do admire you a lot and I realised it when you were away."
"I adore you, my bunny."

That night.............
Jimin lying on his bed texted Jungkook.
- Still reading your poem.
- Stop it or you will dream about me.
- Then I wish that dream should come true as well. Do you know when you were reading the poem to me, I so wanted to hug you tightly for a while?
Jungkook answered after a minute of silence.
- Why didn't you then?
- I did not want to do it in public. Few feeling should be felt in private.
- I would not mind if you hugged me in public.
- Kookie, do you want to go somewhere with me? Abroad for a vacation? Only you and me?
(Jungkook's heart was pounding since he had never gone abroad alone before and managing his parents would be tough.)
- I want to but what about office and family. Will they allow?"
- We will figure out something, don't worry. Pick a country.
- Bali, Indonesia.
- Okay, anywhere you want. I wanted to spend some time alone you with freely where there will be no boundaries and restriction. We will go wherever we want and do whatever we want. For few days we will alone together.
- Ok. (Jungkook replied in hesitation as he kept worrying what to say to his parents and would that be a good idea to go alone with Jimin. He was already too weak for Jimin, so he did not want to increase it.)

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