Chapter 31

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Patience is a virtue - that was what Jungkook learnt through all his time with Jimin. He used to be more childlike, short-tempered, and a cry-baby but with times, the harsh reality and painful & confusing relationship he was in, taught him a good deal of how to be strong, bold, patient and gain peace of mind. Without Jimin, life was difficult and tough, but with Jimin especially him being married, life seemed tougher. Yet the younger was still there with Jimin, stuck in a complicated relationship. Maybe, love was holding them back again and again. Nonetheless, one of them must break apart and that would definitely not be Jimin. Because having Jungkook in his life was what got him going, without him, Jimin would fall short of breathing and the older knew it very well. So, life without Jungkook now seemed totally an impossible thing to even think about.

They had been nice to each other for a while, to be exact even nicer since there was no more fighting, no more crying and no fear of losing. Jimin's life found a source of happiness again which was his Jungkookie. No matter what happened at home, he got to see his lover, to love his Kookliet and to feel his existence; Jimin could not demand more.

But everything comes with an expiry date, which Jungkook often thought of but never talked about as he could foresee the future ahead waiting for them. Jungkook understood Jimin did not have the gut to release himself from the marriage he was stuck in, neither he wanted to, and if their complicated relationship went on like this, then there would be a time when Jungkook would also have to choose a life partner and Jimin might soon be expecting a baby; life would be even more complicated than ever.

In Jimin's unrealistic imaginary world, he figured out their future very well, as he often used to say, 'Kookie, no matter where you go, I will always find you. We will plan a trip together and maybe once in a year we will spend our time together in an unknown city or maybe even in a new country. How about we start from Paris, your favorite one?' And after blabbering on his own when he did not get any response from the younger, then Jimin used to add, 'No? You don't want that? You know what Kookie, I won't be around to bother you, if it ever causes any trouble in your life. If you ever won't need me anymore in future, I will get hurt but will not let you know of it, I will just simply stop bothering you and let you be happy the way you want.'

Jimin used to say it all like, those were the exact words Jungkook was waiting to hear. Rather the fear of the uncertain future was eating the younger up as Jimin was adding more in it by his emotional tortuous words. Jungkook kept his mouth shut most of the time because he could sense the danger waiting for them, if they continued it, there would definitely be a time, when they would have to confront their spouses and that was not a pretty scene to imagine of. Either they lived with each other or parted their ways forever. They needed to stop it if there was no more for them in future. But when and how to stop? Jungkook wanted to believe all those thoughts to be true but would he be able to survive without Jimin. Jungkook was struggling alone with these thoughts everyday.

Easier said than done - just like the older said a lot about controlling emotions and stuffs after his marriage but ultimately, he ended up being with Jungkook, loving him even more and making love with him. Leaving the person you love was not as easy as it seemed. Jungkook had been thinking for days and months now but could not come up with any solution to that, it was because of that soft and pure face of his lover, which used to appear in his mind every time he thought of leaving him for good- Jungkook's weakness. Jimin hurt him previously many times but he could not do the same to him, he never liked tears in Jimin's beautiful eyes.


One fine weekend, Jungkook came all prepared to take Jimin on a date. Jimin as usual excitedly lying to his wife about meeting a friend left to pick Jungkook. When the older reached the place, he could see how handsome the younger looked waiting at the sidewalk for him, he was glowing in the twilight hour, a beautiful tall figure, a soft politeness in the face with the gentlest and bunny like smile, he could capture anyone's attention but his whole attention was for Jimin only, as he came forward to Jimin's car, he leaned to meet his beloved's sparkling eyes.

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