Chapter 32

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'New York Street! Always so busy and crowdy, even on weekends, people are rushing towards somewhere. Everyone has their destination to reach, no one notices your existence, unless you do something extremely weird. I kind of started to like this feeling of being invisible among thousands of people; this is some sort of freedom I enjoy, freedom of doing whatever you wish to do and being your true self, by not being judged.

Goodness! This park is close to my apartment, I come here to breath and relax every time I need some time of my own. To be honest, I purposely chose the apartment next to this small yet my ideal kind of park - named Gardenia. Trees in rows surrounding the walkway, a small lake by the side, sometimes I see few swans swimming in the afternoon. At night, you will barely find any people here, only health-conscious people jogging at night but they are very few in numbers and most of them are my neighbors. This park reminds me of the Park I used to go in Seoul with him.

As I walk pass the park, I see little children from my neighborhood waving at me and as usual, I wave back at them. It's weekend today, a very bright sunny day of early spring, the wind is at its peak, so quite cold for which I had to put on my long black overcoat.

One of my cousins lives close to Times Square and he invited me to his newborn's baptism. I left a bit early to stop by somewhere before my ultimate destination, which has become my routine these days.

I am not much of a coffee person yet for the last one month I have become a regular customer of the coffee shop - Soul of Seoul. I heard the owner is from Korea. This coffee shop has many other branches, but I prefer to go to the one adjacent to Time Square which is always filled with people either gossiping or discussing business while enjoying the freshly brewed coffee with varieties of Korean deserts.

The reason I go to this coffee shop every morning, is in the hope of seeing someone I might never get to see yet I will go everyday till my life ends. It is quite hard to believe that it has been 3 years, 3 painful years since he left me and yet I am looking for him. At times, I thought I would not survive but somehow, I am still alive with the tiniest hope of seeing him again. Would he talk to me if we meet? Is he still mad at me? Does he want to see me? Does he still lov....? It's good not to overthink.

My company promoted me with a work assignment to the States and it felt like the Universe was trying to send me to him. Six months ago, I moved here in New York, but I still do not have the slightest of idea where I can find him. It's not that I have not tried to contact him before, but he cut me off three years ago from all the social media sites and everywhere possible. No one could reach him, and I could not go begging to his parents for his contact number because they would definitely not give it to me. Maybe he really meant the words he said before leaving me in Seoul alone. But it's okay, I just want to see him one more time and want to know how he has been.

Last month, in one of the promotional pictures of 'Soul of Seoul' coffee shop's new branch opening party I saw his face, I went numb for few minutes, my brain forgot to function and the phone on my hand fell right on the cold floor, made me flinch on my chair. For the first time, it felt like my emotions did not know how to work properly for I wanted to cry but could not. Since that day, I visit every morning this Korean coffee shop in the hope of seeing my bunny's face. Nonetheless, to my bad luck, in one month not for a single second I saw anyone looked close to Jungkook. How can even anyone look like him, he is extra-ordinarily handsome and special to me, I still believe I would simply sense his presence in a crowded room without even looking with my eyes. I wonder if you feel the same, Jungkook.'

As Jimin stopped in front of the coffee shop, he took a long breath before getting inside. The ambience of the shop is very classy with khaki colored wall designed and see-through glass walls on the other, and the portraits hanged on the walls are so unique brush painting by some unknown painter. Sitting on his favorite spot, Jimin ordered his regular latte.

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