Chapter 23

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Extraordinarily handsome! Jimin thought to himself looking at the young boy in front of him who was throwing a bunny smile at him. Jimin stepped forward with a colorful flower bouquet in his hand that he had brought for his lover. A light yellow polo t-shirt tucked in fade blue jeans made Jungkook look more of a boyfriend material.

"Hey, handsome! This is for you." Jimin with a big smile with lost look in his eyes, gave the bouquet to him. Jungkook embraced the flowers and inhaled the sweet fragrance.

"Did you pick every flower in the bouquet?" Jungkook said raising an eye brow.

"Yes, why?" Jimin seemed dumbfounded.

"Because this pink rose resembles you." Jungkook picked a soft pink rose from it and brushed Jimin's red cheek with it before he offered it to Jimin.

Jimin was blushing hard and too shy to even look up, "Kookie! You are such a flirt." and accepted the flower from him to put it in his jacket's pocket. "Let's go now, I can't wait anymore." Jimin with much excitement pulled him by wrist to get inside the car, Jungkook grinned watching the small man dragging him. In the car, Jimin helped Jungkook to put on his seat belt on, which made him pout, "I am not a baby, Jimin. I can do it on my own."

"Okay, okay, big boy." Saying that Jimin leaned towards him, "Why do you look so extra sexy today? Your veiny muscles are already killing me, baby." To Jimin's surprise, Jungkook pulled Jimin even closer and gave a brief peck on his lips saying, "All of these extras today, are for you, Minie." Jimin shyly smiled eyes locked at him whereas Jungkook with a teasing smile wiped his lower lip using his thumb which made Jimin too nervous to even drive to the hotel.

The room was pre-booked, so after checking-in, they went straight to their room without any delay. They could not afford to lose a minute because they wanted to be with each other as long as possible.

An awkward silence filled the room when Jimin locked the door and turned to Jungkook who was sitting on the bed very politely like a school boy. Jimin slowly came towards him and took off his denim jacket to place it on the chair beside the bed. Jungkook was looking down while Jimin moved all the way to him, eyes still stuck at his direction. It had been a while ever since they made love to each other and moreover, their world turned upside down when Jimin took an abrupt decision and not to mention about their feelings which had gone through a roller-coaster ride recently. Those all mixed feelings were causing to create an awkward silence between them. They both knew why they were there in the hotel room yet it seemed like they forgot how to touch each other anymore, how to start talking and how to look into those eyes.

Sitting side by side, both kept quiet for a while. "How are you feeling, Bunny?" Jimin broke the silence between them as he peaked to see his face and Jungkook with a soft smile turned his head to right, facing him, "Right now, my heart is racing 850 bpm." Jimin covered his mouth with his hand to hide his laughter, "Aish, Kookie. You never stop making me laugh."

Suddenly Jungkook stood up on his feet as he took out a small box from his jeans pocket, a small platinum ring, he bought for Jimin, 'JimJung'  engraved inside the circle of the ring. Jungkook took his soft and small hand in his and put the ring on his left ring finger and Jimin was still processing the whole situation as he looked lost in thoughts.

"I have never given you anything special to remember me. So, yesterday I pondered a lot and reached a decision to give you something that you can keep forever and will remind you of me. So that when I won't be around you anymore you can see our names inside the ring that will bring back the sweet memories of ours." While saying all those words, Jungkook did not notice his eyes were already betraying him as tears fell off.

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