Chapter 34

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The fear Jungkook was running away from, had started to haunt him lately. He was not at all prepared for something so unpredictable to happen, but it had already started and he could not think straight any longer. His brain had already welcomed its ex-tenant, now it was clouded only with the thoughts of PARK JIMIN, it was not like his ex-lover's thoughts ever left his brain but now it was more prominent that sometimes it ached..... ached too much that led his heart to break even just with the mention of his name.

Jungkook still often dared to open the text Jimin had sent him and slowly caressed the text over his mobile screen while reading it again and again. It has been a month since he had sent that text but Jungkook still did not reply to him, neither Jimin tried to contact him in last one month. This had definitely caused an unusual pain to Jungkook which he couldn't name but at the same time he was quite relieved that Jimin did not because if he did, Jungkook would lose his mind by now.

Jungkook was afraid. Was he falling for that little figure again? Had he ever fallen out of love with Park Jimin? Jungkook cursed him for not knowing the answer to this. He was puzzled with all the thoughts bugging him, questioning his life choices and future........ Suddenly a text appeared on his mobile screen and Jungkook's fingers slowly moved to open it.

"Hi, how have you been? Are you planning to cut me off again??? Just kidding! Jokes apart, I heard there is a beach nearby, 2-hour ride from here and I was dying to get some fresh air. Would you like to accompany me? - Jimin"

"Jimin." The blonde exclaimed jumping off the couch.

"What the f**k Tae?" Jungkook spat as he flinched due to Tae's sudden ecstatic scream.

Earlier in the morning, Taehyung summoned the younger in his own office to help him out with his company's anniversary party plan. Upon Tae's demand, Jungkook often used to visit Taehyung's office during lunch break. Today was the same, they were having lunch together on Tae's big office room's couch and the blonde continuously talking about his company's anniversary party plan, even it was one-sided, because the younger was drowning in the idea of Jimin's existence in his life. He was pondering too deep that Tae's sudden scream broke his train of thoughts.

"Kook, show some respect. I am your fiancé now. Fiancés don't curse in front of each other, do you understand me?" Tae scolded with a naughty pout visible in his face. He was being too playful and flirty these days which Jungkook didn't mind but he preferred their friendship type of relationship more.

"Tae, cut the crap. What about him? Why did you take his name?" Jungkook looked really out of energy to even talk.

"Hey, didn't I just tell you not to curse? Anyway, I was checking the guest list when Jimin came into my mind, so, I shouted it out." Taehyung explained as he gulped down some soup.

"You want to invite Jimin?" The younger widened his eyes in utter shock.

"Why? Do you have a problem with that?" Now at this point the blonde was pissed at his fiancé.

"No, I mean, you can but you barely know him, right?" Jungkook took a big sip from his chocolate milkshake after saying that.

"Yes, and that's why I want to invite him. I want to know him, I want to know your relatives and acquaintances. You never introduced me to your friends and family. I only know your parents and you don't even have a siblings that I can talk and know about your childhood and school life and about all the things when I was not in your life. And this is why whenever I find someone of your acquaintance, I feel like to make them my friends. I want to talk to them, hang out and keep a good connection." Taehyung seemed frustrated as he was explaining his point.

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