Chapter 40

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There are days you don't want to exist anymore, there are times you want to speak out loud but you can't and there are relationships you are bound to be in because you don't want to hurt them.

Jungkook could have chosen to be anywhere quiet today, but his hands drove the car to his home where Taehyung was waiting for him. It was supposed to be an ordinary weekend and they were supposed to have brunch together, yet Jungkook went to see Jimin in the morning and now the day felt terrible already. He was driving surely but Jimin's worn out face was all he could see. Somehow, he managed to reach home. Jungkook was expecting some real scolding from Taehyung before he had twisted the doorknob to open the door. To his surprise, Taehyung did not even bother to look at him when he got in, he was quietly brewing some freshly ground coffee beans.

"Hey, morning. I am sorry I had to leave early in the morning." Jungkook apologized right after putting off his jacket and threw his body on the sofa. No response from his fiancé.

"You there in the kitchen?" The younger asked loudly enough and only then he saw Taehyung entering the living room with two cups of coffee, "There you go. I made you coffee." Taehyung's-not-so-regular-face forced a smile.

"I can see that but why?"

"You always complain I never make you coffee." Taehyung looked down as he spoke. Something about the tone and his not-weird behavior didn't feel right.

"You know I never mean it."

"I know but maybe this is why you had to go out early in the morning, just to have some coffee."

"No, that's not the reason."

"Then why? What was so important that you left your finance alone in the morning who you are going to marry in few days?"

"I went to see Jimin. He is sick."

"What happened?" Taehyung's eyebrows curved in concern.

"Seizure. Now he is bed ridden and weak but heard that he is doing better than before."

"Oh, that's a relief." Taehyung paused to drink his coffee, and slightly pushed the younger's shoulder with his, "Have a sip."

Jungkook put the cup on the table instead and looked at him, "What is it Tae? I know this tone, you are upset."

"Kook, we need to talk."

"About?" Jungkook frowned.

"Us." Taehyung held Jungkook's hand.

"What about us? There is nothing to talk. We are absolutely fine and getting married next Wednesday." The younger shrugged his hand off his and left to his room.

He was changing into his pajama and tees, when Taehyung entered the room, "Are you mad at me?"

"No, Tae. Anyway, aren't we late for brunch? I will make something for lunch today, how about that?" While talking he put on his tshirt and ignored those pairs of eyes staring at him with thousands of questions. Faint sobbing, and tears falling on the white bedsheet. Jungkook looked back in shock to find Taehyung crying. The younger didn't waste a moment to wipe his brunette fiancé's drenched cheeks, "Why are you crying, Tae?"

"Kook, we can't go on like this." Tae looked up with his teary eyes to speak up.

"I told you, I don't want to have any conversation on this. Let me cook you something." Saying that the younger was about to leave for kitchen when his fiancé clutched onto the younger's t-shirt tight to stop him from leaving, "We have to talk. Can't you see we are suffering?"

"Shut up. I told you I don't want to." The younger shrugged off again.

"Stop denying. Stop it for fuck's sake, Jungkook. You are keeping all the feelings and truth to yourself. Whom am I to you?"

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