Chapter 36

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'Billowy blue shirt, sleeves folded up to his elbow, strong veiny arms holding the steering wheel, navigating our way to the destination. His arms got even stronger yet the sunlight seeping through his skin, he is glowing, unimaginably handsome, beautiful. That tough look on his face, especially when he was paying more attention to driving the car than to me, frightens me. He is not the boy I used to know, he is more..... more manly now, Greek God like features. I don't know, do I like it or not? Or do I miss his previous version? Nothing really matters as long as I have him beside me.

He has left the top few buttons of his shirt open, his bare chest is a mesmerizing view to look at but I wonder if he has done it on purpose. Today, he wore the necklace I had given him years ago. I thought he doesn't like it anymore but he kept it. It's shining, dangling on his chest. I want to feel the warmth of it too, but I don't know how.

His whole attention is still on the road, he was driving very carefully and absolute silence in the car. I don't mind though since I was enjoying his view. A smirk appeared on his pretty thin lips, leaving me breathless. I still didn't forget how it tasted, Jungkook.'

"Done having your meal?" Jungkook asked with that prettiest of his smirk. Jimin's thoughts got caught in the middle as he flinched to sit straight, he looked in front, full body stiff, with a nervous tone, "No, no.....What meal! What did you mean?"

"You were literally eating me with your eyes, Jimin."

"I was observing your driving skill."

"Good excuse." Another smirk appeared on Jungkook's lips.

"I wasn't, Jungkook, believe me." Jimin would almost cry, he was so embarrassed after getting caught.

"Yeah, keep telling that to yourself. Anyway, it will take another hour to reach the beach. Talk or play some music. It's quite boring inside the car." Jungkook was still looking in front, driving safely.

"You do it yourself." Jimin answered, still nervous due to the embarrassment.

"Why me? Your trip, your car, you play music."

"Mimicking me much?" Jimin joked playfully.

"Yes. Come on, Jiminie, play something. I want to judge your choice."

"I knew it. You always laugh at my music taste." A visible pout took place on Jimin's soft lips, like an angry child, he played the song came first in his playlist and it started playing. Jungkook could not stop laughing but voiceless laugh, only his head and shoulder were shaking.

"What? You told and I played. Don't you like the song?" Poor Jimin felt helpless at this point.

"Strawberries & Cigarettes!" Jungkook puckered his eyebrow.

[Song name: Strawberries & Cigarettes by Troyee Sivan]

"Yes, problem, I like it. I will change if you don't." Saying that angry Jimin was about to change the song on his phone when Jungkook's left hand grabbed Jimin's small palm laughing, "Don't, I like it Jimin. It's just none of us smoke, do we?"

Jimin was out of words, his mind went blank with his touch and he did not even realize that what Jungkook just said did not even make any sense, neither was Jungkook leaving the older's hand. Was it then just an excuse to hold the older's hand?

"Ummm, Jungkook, you might not want us to get killed, right?" Jimin said as he was trying to release his palm from his bunny's strong grip. "You need both of your hands to drive." Jungkook without saying a word, let his hand go very slowly like he did not want to let go.

Rest of the journey went very quietly as Jimin fell asleep and the younger found a good opportunity to steal glances of that affectionate face. Jimin's navy blue tshirt was engulfing his milk white skin and that khaki shorts he wore, his thighs were on show. Jungkook was having a hard time not looking at the angel sleeping next to him.

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