Chapter 26

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Japan! A country of scenic beauty but at this time of the year, it was mostly covered with snow and that was the key reason for Jungkook to choose the place, he just loved snow. It was not that he could not find it in Seoul but then again, his rule of 'being distant' made him fly all the way to Japan, far away from his lover, Jimin.

From airport, Jungkook with his two friends; Ji-hoon and Kwon left for the train station and took the next train available to reach their destination, which was Fujikawaguchiko town close to lake Kawaguchi (one of the fuji five lakes). They had a very long and tiring airplane and train journey altogether. Throughout the journey, Jungkook barely spoke unless it was absolutely necessary, however, his friends were trying to comfort him as much as possible, knowing that he was suffering from a heartbreak. 

It looked like a beautiful resort with all sorts of tourist facilities and a warm homely feeling. Jungkook took a separate room since he never liked sharing room with others. Jungkook entered a nice and neat & clean room with a cottage like vibe and sighed placing his luggage at the corner of the room. While putting off his overcoat on the bed, he looked out of the window, from where he could see the peak of Mountain Fuji. Jungkook was watching the snowfall with a calm expression on his face, for a while he stood there still looking at the white frost falling and covering all the trees slowly and all of a sudden, the feeling of loneliness hit him and that familiar pain in his chest came back, as usual he clutched his chest over his black turtleneck jumper in the hope of the pain to reduce but it never seemed to go, Jungkook mumbled in anger to the pain "Go...Just Go Away!" A small tear drop rolled down on his left cold cheek.

He knew love hurt but never knew loving Park Jimin would hurt him to the extend that he forgot the necessity to exist anymore without him, he simply could not bear the pain any longer. Every single thing was reminding him of his lover. The memory of their Bali trip was still so vivid in his mind - how they became intimate, how Jimin cared for him back then, how Jimin confessed about his feeling towards the younger and how they ended up sleeping in the same bed those days. 

Jungkook took a long warm bath while telling himself to not cry and to enjoy his trip in Japan. After the bath, he decided to take a nap before going out for dinner. He slid in under the cozy white blanket wearing a comfortable pajama and long sleeve t-shirt. He checked on his phone with the hope to see a text from Jimin but there was none, "So, you stopped caring, hmm?" Jungkook murmured while looking at his phone screen. Then at one point, he started to go through the pictures of their Bali trip. Those beautiful memories they had together, how happy they seemed in the pictures, he zoomed a picture to focus on Jimin to see his beautiful soft skin and subconsciously wishing the older to be beside him now in the bed so that he could fall asleep peacefully on his arm. Without realizing, Jungkook's pillow was getting drenched from his tear drops as he continued watching Jimin's picture. He placed a soft kiss on the picture closing his eyes and after some time out of extreme tiredness, he fell asleep holding the phone on his chest, letting the tears dry.

After an hour or so, the phone beeped on his chest and Jungkook came back to sense, and checked his phone instantly to see a text from Jimin, 'Did you reach safely, Bunny?'

- 'Yes, I did about two hours ago.' Jungkook texted back instantly. 

-'So relieved to know that. Take some rest and eat well, okay?'


Jungkook understood the older was busy enough to not being able to talk any further and thus, the younger did not wish to linger their conversation.

First few days, they had a very busy schedule - trekking, roaming around the places, boat riding on the lake and trying different traditional dishes, Jungkook intentionally kept himself too busy and tired to process anything else in his brain. No matter what he did, every night before falling a sleep all those painful feelings would come back and made him cry for hours until his tired body could not take it anymore and fell asleep. His mother used to call everyday in the morning and Jimin texted on the second day as well, to ask how he was enjoying the trip but that was it, after that there was no more text or call from him. Thanks to his two jolly buddies who never left a chance to make their grumpy friend, Jungkook, laugh. He laughed at their jokes for sure but it was forced most of the time. Even though the pain was still there, Jungkook was loving the environment, heavy snowfall, mountain Fuji and trekking near it. 

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