Chapter 33

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"Jungkook, I am here." Jimin waved his hand from the other side of the street. A casual shirt with khaki colored pants, Jungkook looked exactly like a boyfriend material, especially folding his sleeves till his elbow. The younger was slightly late today and hence he rushed to the spot and looking for the small person in the promised place. When he finally heard Jimin calling his name, he looked at that direction to find a small cute yet handsome person, smiling at Jungkook's foolish look on his face.

"Sorry, I really am. I made you wait. To be honest, in the morning, I just had to submit few bills and the queue was huge." Jungkook said it all while panting heavily.

"Hey, relax. It's totally fine. I don't mind waiting for you, just like you never mind when I used to come late." Jimin giggled at the extra politeness in the younger's tone. Jungkook broke the eye contact when he heard Jimin mentioning about their past, "Umm, shall we go in, then? Let me buy the ticket first."

"Don't worry, I bought them already. Cool down, you seem nervous." Jimin took out the tickets he bought while waiting for the younger, and showed it to Jungkook.

"It's because I never like being late." Jungkook exclaimed.

Was being late is the reason behind Jungkook's nervousness or was it because he was seeing Jimin after so.... long and he didn't know how to react?

Jungkook's reply somewhat effected the older's jolly happy mood, the latter all on a sudden went silent and the younger could sense it and to ease up the situation Jungkook added, leaning forward to see the older's face who was looking down at his feet, "Did you get to eat anything?"

In response, Jimin only nodded like a little puppy. Jungkook quickly apologized, "Well, I should have asked you earlier. I am sorry. Let me buy you something." And right at the moment when Jungkook was about to move to the closest vending machine, Jimin slightly pulled the younger's sleeve, "Jungkook, I aahh... already bought an energy bar. Do you want to share with me? We can eat properly during lunch, let's not waste any time and go inside."

Jungkook widened his eyes when he saw the same brand's energy bar that Jungkook used to eat before and he nervously stammered as the memories started to play in the back of his mind, "Oooo...k. But this is not fair, you are paying for almost everything. I am buying you lunch for sure."

"We will see about that later. Eat it now." Jimin handed the younger half of the energy bar full of nuts, dried cherries and pumpkin seeds. Jungkook put it in his mouth all at once. While chewing and walking towards the art gallery entrance, Jungkook looked to the older's side to ask something, "By the way, where is your nerdy glasses today?"

A sudden laugh escaped the smaller's mouth, "I thought you did not like it, so just put on my contact lenses instead."

Jungkook was utterly shocked by the most unanticipated answer and then Jimin's shy giggling brought him back to the present, "Why would I not like it, Jimin? Everything suits on you." The younger's voice sounded oblivious and he was drowning in the eyes of his former lover, it was pulling him closer to that little figure, closer to their past and all the good feelings. 'He is so addictive! Focus! Focus, Jungkook!' Jungkook reminded himself. Now, that intense stares of Jungkook were making Jimin nervous, "I umm, aaa, Jungkook let's go in then." Only then Jungkook remembered he needed to blink.

"Yes sure, after you." Jungkook as a gentleman opened the door for Jimin, leaving the older wonder since when he had adopted such politeness.


Inside the art gallery

A very quiet place, broad and wide polished wooden floor and walls, massive artworks of famous artists were hung on the walls for visitors with a short note of background of the picture. Each portrait had its covert meanings for the critics to figure out.

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