Chapter 22

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Those days Jungkook was trying his best to ignore him whereas Jimin used to look at him helplessly knowing that he had almost lost all his rights on Jungkook. In last one month, all Jungkook could do was to stay distant from Jimin and ignore meeting his eyes. Those eyes still sent a shivering feeling all through his body when Jungkook by mistake caught Jimin staring at him but those eyes of Jimin, no more give him any peace rather it intensified his anxiety.

It had been a month, Jungkook and Jimin stopped their hang out together after office hours since Jungkook would rarely talk to him unless an official matter. Jungkook even stopped waiting for Jimin to finish his work so that they did not have to walk home together rather Jungkook went straight to his home without bidding goodbye or informing him. Jimin noticed all of those changes in his behavior but kept silent due to his guilty feelings, even though sometimes he tried to break the silence between them but Jungkook just put water into his efforts by behaving super harshly to Jimin.

Jungkook was hurt, angry, sad and felt betrayed by his lover but Jimin was frustrated, hopeless and in dilemma. He wanted Jungkook more than anything but his weakness was his family, especially his sick father. In the office, Jimin's eyes would beg Jungkook to talk to him since he could not force him on anything anymore.

Jungkook checked every night his messenger subconsciously hoping for a message from Jimin but he would get only a "good night" message right at 11:30 pm. It had become a new routine for Jimin, he used to come online at 11:00 pm and went offline at 11:30 pm. Jungkook suspected right that Jimin used to talk to his fiancé for half an hour and then before going to bed he would text Jungkook only goodnight. Right, it had been a month Jimin was engaged to Yun-hee and she returned to Italy after that, she would not be coming before their wedding.

Just until a month ago, Jimin and Jungkook used to talk every night on phone or text each other like couples, and all of a sudden everything stopped for Jungkook. Everything Jimin used to do for and with him, maybe then he was doing for her. Jungkook's thought were occupied with such imagination of Jimin and Yun-hee talking over phone and giggling over silly, sweet couple talks just like Jungkook and Jimin used to do, and then he would break into tears as his heart ached thinking someone else was taking over Jimin and he was missing Jimin as hell but his ego and self-esteem were higher than his broken soul. Poor Jungkook tried his best to forget his lover but it was not as easy as it seemed. Moving on from such a beautiful attachment was not easy. What they had in them was unique and one in a million, true love!


"What are you doing?" Jimin finally gathered some courage to talk to Jungkook.

Jungkook was typing at high speed at his cubicle when Jimin stood beside his desk and broke his attention. Jungkook quickly gave a look at him and started to work again.

"Jungkook." Jimin waited for few seconds but no reply and glare from him, "Okay, if you don't want to talk to this Jimin then at least you can reply to your colleague Jimin." He said it intentionally knowing that the only way Jungkook would be bound to talk to him.

"Typing." Jungkook's tone sounded heavy as hell.

Jimin's eyes were still locked at Jungkook's face and then he noticed that there was a Curriculum Vitae (CV) lying on his desk. Curiously he took it to have a clear look, "Resume of Jeon Jungkook" He murmured. "Kookie, what are you going to do with your CV?" Jimin wondered nervously since he understood Jungkook was trying to move out of the company.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't touch my things without my permission? I don't like it and it is also against our company policy." Saying that he snatched it from Jimin's hand.

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