Chapter 38

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A/N: BTS gave me an opportunity to meet some good people and they are called ARMY. I have found some very good ARMY friends who are generous, kind and honest. I was overwhelmed by the condolence messages I received in my last chapter and all the courageous words you sent me. You have no idea what it means to me. I read all of your comments and it helped me a lot, honestly. Thanks for the love and support. Love you friends always 💕

This chapter is continuation of chapter 37, so I would request you read chapter 37 first, if you have not yet.


When Jimin opened the door of his apartment, the younger saw the touch of Jimin's allure everywhere. Neat and clean, everything decorated in pastel colors, and beautiful fragrance. By the look of it anyone could tell, this place had been taken care only by Jimin, no other love and care had dared to touch it. Jungkook was looking around the place while forgetting to put off his shoes before entering the living room.

"Ahh, Jungkook-ah, put off your shoes there and wear the clean slippers kept beside the shelf." Jimin almost halted him with his tiny hands.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, I was about to dirty Jim-castle." Jungkook gave a teasing smile. Jimin didn't seem to hear Jungkook, because by the time he went to his kitchen to bring a glass of water and a can of orange juice. He saw Jungkook was already sitting on the sofa, his jacket lying by his side as he was still busy admiring his place and Jimin admiring his Kookie, "There drink it, I will go and change quickly. After that I need to let my goldies breathe in the fresh water." Keeping the orange juice in front of Jungkook, the older went to his bedroom.

After few minutes or so, Jimin came with the fishbowl filled with clean water, "Where should I put it?" Jungkook stood up suddenly with reflexes, and his eyes stuck at the smaller. He had seen him in shorts, casual dress or even naked many times before but never had he seen this domestic Jimin; feeling cozy and comfortable in that large size grey t-shirt and black loose shorts, making him look even smaller and cute.

"Here, keep it beside the window. They will get the sunlight every morning." Jungkook suggested pointing at the table beside the living room window.

"Yes, good idea." Excitement all over Jimin's face, he started to move towards the window before stopping in front of the younger to say, "And would you keep standing here or help me? Go and fetch me my goldies. And ahhh don't forget their food."

Jungkook wasted no moment as he went to bring them to Jimin like a loyal puppy. He always loved listening to him, there was something about Jimin's commanding voice that was so captivating and would demolish Jungkook's ego in a matter of second.

Now both were leaning and watching the goldfish having their time of the life, swimming and gulping food flakes which Jimin gave them a moment ago. Jimin caressed over the jar. "Jungkook, what should I name them?"

"Anything you like." Jungkook did not know whether to focus on the goldies or Jimin.

"Jim and Jung." The older regretted right after he said so, and now eagerly waiting for his companion's reaction.

"Then the smaller one is Jim." Jungkook laughed pretty hard that he fell and sat on the floor, and Jimin protested, "Aish, Jungkookie would you never stop teasing me about my height?"

"No Hobbit, not in this lifetime." Jungkook placed his hand on his chest to make a firm promise mockingly, and Jimin rolled his eyes, and averted them to focus on his new pets, "I think they are still hungry." and as he said so he did give them more of the flakes.

"So am I, Jimin?"

"Ohh, darn it! I am so sorry, Jungkook. You must have been starving." Saying that Jimin left after handing over the flakes to the younger. But Jungkook followed him to the kitchen to find a busy Jimin boiling water and slicing some chunks of meat. Jungkook politely cleared his throat to make Jimin aware of his presence, "Do you need a hand?"

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