Chapter 55

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Hey everyone! A real quick little author note here. I'm thinking of bringing this story to an end and starting a new story. This story may end between this chapter and the next one. The new story MIGHT be a Gravity Falls x Reader(I'm just trying to figure out how I wanna do the story like who the reader should end with and etc. and I do plan on putting my own twist on it.) Also,if you never seen Gravity Falls,I recommend it. I'm a fucking adult(I'm 20) and I watched it and loved it. I'm sorry if you really enjoy this story. I'm just running out of ideas and stuff for the storyline. Anyway...enjoy and I'm sorry.

Finally home on Berserker Island,Y/N and Dagur were welcomed by everyone. "A letter arrived today from Rouge Island sir," a guard said,handing a piece of paper to Dagur. Dagur and Y/N read it.
Dear Chief and Chieftess of Berserker Island,
    I'm informing you that the send off for Chief Jordan will be in one week from today. We're doing everything to send him off to Valhalla. Thank you Dagur for bringing him home. In the unfortunate events, I do hope to see you and hopefully Y/N there.
                                                                                             Chieftess Winter of Rouge Island
Y/N took the paper from Dagur and placed it in her bag. "We shall go. I owe her a visit anyway,but like she said it's for an unfortunate turn of events," Y/N said. Dagur nodded in agreement. They started walking to their house. Once they got there,Y/N sat in a chair and sighed. "What's wrong my dear," Dagur said,rubbing her shoulders. "I don't know. I feel like everything that has happened was my fault. All because of this stupid mark for the Skrill," Y/N said,lifting her sleeve. Dagur looked at her mark,then the scars left from the Typhoomerangs. He tilted his head. He noticed they were black now instead of white. "Y/N? Did you get the scars from the Typhoomerangs and the Skrill tattooed," Dagur asked.
Y/N laughed and said,"Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that. When I was kidnapped,we stopped at an island they were hiding on and I asked questions and then this happened." Dagur nodded. "Looks great," he said. "But it isn't your fault everything happened. Hiccup and Astrid know that. I know that. Everyone knows you were doing what you could at the time and there was just too many," Dagur said. Y/N got up. "Right," she said. They were going to head upstairs,when a guard busted in through the door. "Chief and chieftess! Viggo and all of them are dead! They're ship and more washed ashore," He yelled. Y/N looked at Dagur in shocked. "What did it," Dagur asked. "It looks like a dragon sir," The man said. "I'm going to look. You can stay if you wish,"Dagur said. Y/N said,"I'll stay. I'm tired and I need fresh clothes." Dagur left and Y/N continued upstairs.
Later that night,Dagur came back and went upstairs to meet Y/N. Y/N was in bed,writing. Dagur walked in and said,"It was them. They are very much dead and it was a dragon. A big dragon. Ice everywhere. Amber everywhere. Fire. Burnt wood." Y/N looked up and said,"It wasn't one dragon Dagur. It was a group of multiple dragons." She continued to write. Dagur stared at her. "Fair,but how would you know if you haven't seen the wreckage," Dagur said,getting into bed. Y/N went red and looked at him. "I might've known about it and after it happened,I washed ashore on Melody Island," Y/N said.
"WHAT," Dagur yelled. Y/N jumped. "See,a heard of dragons flew above us at one point and I recognized a lot of them and noticed the water moving and assumed there were dragons there too,so I dragon called and whistle and Toothless and them helped and yeah," Y/N said. Dagur sighed and kissed her. After a few seconds,he said,"Goodnight dear." Y/N smiled. "Goodnight Dagur. I love you," she said. "I love you too," Dagur said. Y/N turned her back to Dagur,but he turned himself over and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and tighten his grip on her. They fell asleep hoping tomorrow it would be as normal as possible.

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