Chapter 41

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In the morning, Y/N made breakfast. "What're you doing today," Y/N asked Dagur. "Today,I have to sit in the hall and listen to everyone if the have something to complain about or think what could be better on Berserker island," Dagur said. "I'm going to probably go for a flight with Even," Y/N said. Dagur stood up and stretch. "Well,be careful. Please. There's still Vikings who don't enjoy this life," Dagur said. He kissed her and left. 
Y/N packed a bag of food and water for the flight. She headed outside and went to get Even. Even was playing with Sleuther. "Even. We're going for a flight," Y/N said. Even looked and purred. He started jumping towards her. Y/N got on Even. He was ready. Sleuther looked and purred. "Dagur is at the hall. If you want to sit with him," Y/N said. Sleuther took off to Dagur. Even then, took off into the air.
Y/N and Even had been flying for awhile,when they spotted ships with plain white sails. Even growled. "Easy Even. We don't know if they are...well,hunters or not," Y/N said. They carefully got closer to see if they were enemies or not. All of a sudden, they started firing arrows and nets. "Watch out Even! Definitely not a friend," Y/N said. An arrow flew pass her. "Dragon root? I know only one other person who used them,but it's been years," Y/N mumbled under her breath. All of a sudden,a net flew and hit them. "Hold on Even," Y/N yelled. Even roared. They hit the water and started to get pulled abroad the ship.
Once aboard, they started to chain Even. "Let him go," Y/N yelled. She pulled out her sword and started running towards the hunters who had Even. All of a sudden, a guy in a cloak stepped in front of Y/N and grabbed her arm and threw her sword to the side. He pushed her backwards and other hunters grabbed her. Y/N tried to fight free before they tied her to a sail post with chains. "Let me go," Y/N yelled,trying to get out. "That won't work Y/N," the man in the cloak said. Y/N froze and looked up. "I'm sorry? Do I know you? Your voice sounds familiar yes,but I can't place it," Y/N said. The guy laughed and said," My dear,how could you not remember me?" The man removed his cloak and hood. Y/N's breathe caught in her throat. "I," Y/N couldn't get words out.
"Yes yes. I know. But you should know,I'm always full of surprises," Viggo said. "I have more surprises my dear," Viggo said. He stepped aside to show Ryker. "Long time no see dragon rider," Ryker said. "So,let's catchup now," Viggo said and stood in front of Y/N.
*Dagur's POV*
After hours and hours and HOURS of listening to people with Sleuther,I was finally able to leave. Y/N should be back already. I was walking and Sleuther followed.
Once I got to the house,I didn't see Even. Even must be at the stables,I thought. I opened the door and looked around. I didn't see Y/N. Maybe she's upstairs. I made my way up the stairs. I opened our bedroom door. "Y/N? You here," I yelled in the bedroom. Something is wrong. "Y/N," I yelled throughout the house. I ran downstairs and yelled again. I ran out the door. "Y/N! Where are you," I yelled. Sleuther ran to me and looked concerned. "What's wrong brother," Heather asked as she ran over. "Y/N is missing. I have to find her. You're in charge of the island till I come back. Send a terror mail to Hiccup please," Dagur said. Dagur got on Sleuther and took off. "Come on Y/N. Where are you," Dagur said under a whisper as he left Berserker island.
*Everyone's POV*
"So,Y/N. What is new," Viggo said,standing in front of her. "Nothing really. Married Dagur. Had kids. Settled down. What about you two," Y/N said trying to loosen the chains. "We've been watching what has happened within the last few years Y/N. We're aware you guys defeated Drago and Grimmel. What you guys discovered. A light fury. But it'll take a lot more to defeat us," Ryker said. "We were just going to make a visit to Dagur anyway. You'll be great to hold against him when we're there. People would do anything for their chieftess right," Ryker said grabbing Y/N's face. "Take Her below deck," Viggo said. "You'll regret this," Y/N said. Viggo laughed and said,"Oh will we now my dear? Make sure to use cloth to cover her mouth." The guards said,"Yes sir Viggo."
The guards keep Y/N's hands chained behind her back as they threw her in a cage. Across from her was Even. Even had been chained and had a metal mask around his face. He purred and groaned. Y/N's voice was muffled by the cloth that was tied around her mouth. Y/N sat in the corner of her cage and sighed. She couldn't believe that Viggo and Ryker were back and madder than ever. There were footsteps coming down the stairs. Y/N looked up to see Viggo. Viggo leaned on the cage door she was in. "I don't plan on harming you my dear. Truth be told, these years watching and spying on you guys,I've still,well, have and grown feelings for you. Yes,I'm aware you fell in love with Dagur,you married him,had kids,and now are chieftess of Berserker island,but we shall see how this plays out between us,Dagur,and your Brother and fellow dragon riders," Viggo said. Just then,there was a crush on the deck. Viggo laughed and said,"We have company."

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