Chapter 15

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I woke up to Echo growling at the brushes near us. The brushes moved. I shot up and got out my sword ready. All of a sudden, the thing that was hiding jumped out and crashes on top of me. "Oh gods! Get off," I yelled and pushed the person off. Echo purred while I jumped up in fighting position. I stopped and stood up and stared at the person. The stood up and dusted themselves off. "D-Dagur?! DAGUR," I yelled. He turned around only to be in a bone crushing hug. "Air Y/N...Air," Dagur choked out. I let go of him then I punched him twice in the arm. "Ouch! What was that for," Dagur said while rubbing his arm. "For acting like you died and for scaring me and Echo," I said looking at Echo and stopped. I stared at Echo and a triple strike were playing. "I'm not going to ask," I said. The triple strike came up to me and put his face against my hand and purred. "Ryker," Dagur said. You knew he meant that the triple strike came from the traps of Ryker. Dagur looked confused and said,"Why are you here?" I looked down and said,"Me and Hiccup got into a fight. I'm heading back." I started packing up and after I said bye to Dagur. "Please be careful Dagur," I said and smiled. Dagur smiled and said,"Bye Y/N. You be careful as well." I got on Echo and started to fly back to the Edge.
After awhile, I wasn't far from the Edge. Something is burning? I smell smoke. I thought. Once the Edge was in view,Echo growled. My heart dropped. The Edge was being attack.
*Everyone's POV*
The Edge was under attack by Krogan and his army of Singetail dragons with riders. Y/N flew Echo as fast as she could as she assumed the others were fighting in air and dragon hunters on the ground. Y/N helped while in the air. Little did she know,Viggo was playing them and brought Krogan here.
Once Y/N landed, she ran to her hut to grab some weapons and better armor. Echo ran besides her,protecting her when needed. Once she reached her hut, she ran and stopped when she noticed it was raided. I don't have anything they want. Y/N thought. "Hello Y/N," Johann said from behind her. She jumped and turned around. "You-," she didn't finish because Johann ran at her with daggers. She brought out her inferno Hiccup made her and blocked him. "Where's the map to the King of Dragons Haddock," Johann asked as he tried to stab her. "I never drew it or saw it," she yelled. After a minute,they both stopped and walked backwards away from each other. Viggo then walked down the stairs. Y/N's eyes went wide seeing he was still here,not fighting and had a paper behind his back. "You're horrible at lying dear Y/N. Johann I have the map," Viggo said. Y/N's face burned with anger. She started running towards Viggo and yelled,"You trader! Both of you! How dare you? Hiccup was right." Y/N was about to bring down her sword,but stopped. She fell to the ground. I can't. She thought. "Take her with us and make her dragon follow," Johann said. Viggo grabbed Y/N's arms and tired them and pushed her out.
Once outside, Echo growled,but stopped when Y/N said,"No Echo. I'm so sorry,but not this." She head butted Viggo then kicked him. "Warn Dagur and Heather Echo! Go Echo! Fly! Go," Y/N yelled. Echo took off and was gone. Viggo slowly got up and dusted himself off. He glared at her. He gripped her arm tight and continue to walk. "I deserve that," Viggo said. "Y/N! No! Let her go Viggo," Hiccup yelled as he landed Toothless and jumped off. Toothless growled. Viggo wrapped Y/N by the waist and used his free hand to grab a dagger and hold it to her throat. "Call off your dragon and step back Hiccup or Y/N dies," Viggo said. Hiccup called Toothless off and stepped back. Viggo whilst to call a Singetail. "See you soon," Viggo said and jumped off a cliff with Y/N onto the back of a Singetail and flew off. Hiccup yelled and kicked a rock landing next to Astrid. "Let's go," Hiccup said as the rest of the gang showed up. They got on their dragons and headed to Berserker Island as fast as they could.
Once at Berserker Island, it was already under attack. Heather flew up to the gang and asked what's going on. "King of Dragons is on your island. Hiding. Y/N is on the ship with Krogan's Singetail," Astrid. "Wait, Y/N got caught again," Dagur said flying up. "Dagur," the gang said in sync. Shocked to see him. "I'm going to stop Viggo,Johann,and Krogan. You guys fight out here and save my sister," Hiccup said and took off on Toothless.
*Time skipped by the video of y'all heading back to Berk*
Everything was great on Berk for the time being. After everything that has happened, you all agree it's time to rest till the next fun is needed. Y/N built her own house next to Hiccup and her father's hut so she wouldn't be separated. But Echo started acting weird ever since the battle ended. Wouldn't leave the hut and wouldn't eat. Y/N spent most of her time with Echo unless she had to eat and her dad needed her or Gobber needed help. But something happened that'll effect Y/N for awhile.
Y/N returned from helping Hiccup feeding Toothless and the other dragons. "Thanks Hiccup," Y/N said and ran into her hut. "She's really worried about Echo huh bud," Hiccup said to Toothless. Before taking off,Hiccup and Toothless heard Y/N scream. Hiccup ran inside and up the stairs. Once at Y/N's bedroom doorway he stopped. Y/N was hugging and crying over what he assumed was an unresponsive Echo who laid deadly still. Hiccup walked up and hugged Y/N knowing this was a different loss from others in her life.

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