Chapter 31

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Y/N looked at Shane in horror after hearing that. "Y/N!," Dagur yelled from behind her. Shane grabbed Y/N and threw her on his ship. Her head piece fell off. "Dagur! He has a Deathsong! Be careful," Y/N yelled. Dagur quickly yelled,"Get ready to sail out! We're going after that ship!" Dagur picked up Y/N's head piece. Dagur,Hiccup, and other men got ready. Hiccup ran to Astrid and said,"Either stay here with Heather or go back to New Berk with Zephyr and Nuffink." Hiccup kissed Astrid and kissed Zephyr and Nuffink. "I'll be back soon,"Hiccup said. "Be careful," Astrid said. Dagur,Hiccup, and about 10 other men aboard a ship and followed Shane's ship. "We will get her back don't worry Dagur," Hiccup said. Dagur looked at the head piece and sighed. "I know."
I sat in a cage once more. My hands and feet chained together. Well,can't reuse this wedding dress, I thought. I looked at my dress. It was torn and dirty. My head piece fell off on the docks. "Don't look so sad. My queen needs to smile when her people see her,"Shane said walking in. "Ummm No. I am queen officially of Berserker Island and I'm officially married to the chief," Y/N said. Shane was about to say something when there was a crush. "Oh look. Your "husband" and brother are here,"Shane said and left me. I moved to the door of the cage to try and see if the Deathsong was across from me and it was. It's eyes were wide with fear. "Hey there bud. I know you're scared,but I promise I'll get you out and you can be free again I promise," I said to the Deathsong. His eyes relaxed a little and he sighed and closed his eyes. I heard someone coming,so I moved back into the back corner of the cage I was in. "Hey there." It was Dagur and Hiccup. "Hiccup! We need to get that Deathsong out! Now," I yelled and pleaded to Hiccup. Hiccup looked and saw that the Deathsong was watching them closely. "Dagur get her out and I'll try to get the Deathsong free," Hiccup said.
Not much longer, I was out and Hiccup got the Deathsong free. The Deathsong then gave us a ride back to Berserker Island and carried Dagur's ship and basically covered Shane's ship in amber and it went to the bottom of the ocean. Once on Berserker Island again,the Deathsong dropped the ship at the docks,landed so we could get off and took off. "Hiccup!" "Dad!" Astrid,Zephyr, and Nuffink ran to Hiccup and hugged him. I turned to see Dagur. He ran up to me,hugged me tight,and span around,then put me down. He kissed me and said,"You need to stop leaving me." I laughed and hit him.
Hiccup came up to me and said,"Well,we better get back. I'll see you soon sis. I love you." Hiccup and I hugged and said goodbye and watched as they sail off. Dagur came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I love you. I'm tired. Can we go to bed," Dagur asked. I laughed and said,"Yes my chief. We may go to bed now." He picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way back to our hut we stayed in.
*Everyone's POV*
The next morning,Y/N woke to the smell of someone cooking food. Y/N carefully got up,so she wouldn't wake Dagur. She through on some warm clothes and headed down stairs. "Well,good morning. I was trying to surprise you guys," Heather said. Y/N smiled and said,"You didn't have to do this Heather."
"Just thought since yesterday was a great and bad day for you guys that'll I'd cook for you," Heather said. Y/N sighed as yesterday events played back in her head. "So when am I going to get a niece or nephew or both," Heather said. Y/N laughed and said,"Relax. I don't know." As they laughed,Dagur came down the stairs. "Good morning sis," Dagur said and hugged Heather. "Good morning my chieftess," Dagur said and kissed Y/N. "Breakfast is done. Perfect timing," Heather said.
After breakfast, Dagur and Y/N went for a walk around Berserker Island. "I miss having dragons. Yesterday,riding on that Deathsong. That was amazing. I miss that. It was weird to not even name him," Y/N said. Dagur sighed and said,"You know it has to be like this till it's safe for dragons. Till everyone is ok with dragons and Vikings being one." Y/N sighed. "I know."
As they were walking,someone came running up to them. "My chieftess and chief. You need to come to the docks now and see this," the man said and ran to the docks. Dagur and Y/N close behind. Once at the docks,Dagur and Y/N couldn't believe what they saw. It was Dagur's Triple Strike. "Sleuther," Dagur questioned. The dragon saw Dagur and ran to him. "Sleuther," Dagur yelled happily. The dragon licked Dagur and rubbed his head on Dagur. "I wonder if Stormfly and Toothless went to New Berk,"Y/N said. She carefully came up next to Dagur. "It's ok. This is my wife," Dagur said to the dragon. The dragon rubbed his head under Y/N hand and purred. "Oh I missed this and having one. The last dragon that stayed with me was a random Nadder. He laid around me then when we let the dragons go,he roared at me and took off," Y/N said. Dagur laughed and said,"Maybe there's going to be a new start soon for all of us."

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