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A-Anna, yes this is Anna

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A-Anna, yes this is Anna. She also work in the same industry like Jeon. But, the different is she don't like Jeon. She hate Jeon the most and decide not to work with her in future. She considered Jeon as her enemy whom always taking over her duties.

N-Never in her thought to get well and close with Jeon. She didn't even know why she hated Jeon, even though they were living next to each other's building.

N-Night awake, day sleeping. That's her routine everyday. She totally different with Jeon, it's because she brave enough to talk with people, not like Jeon who prefer to do her stuff alone without asked people around her.

A-After all, she is staying alone same like Jeon. She don't have parents, siblings, or friends. She quietly enjoyed living alone without getting disturb by people.

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