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Next morning, Yuri woke up and realized that she's still in Jeon's arms, both are naked. A smile plastered on her lips when she remembered what happened last night then she looked at Jeon who still sleeping on her shoulder. She gently caressed the older girl's bruises cheek with her thumb not waking her up yet. She enjoyed every seconds moment with Jeon.

Not long after that, she saw the older girl smile slightly which also makes her smile wide. "Since when you're looking at me?" the older girl asked with a smirk.

Yuri shook her head denying the question. "I didn't".

"Really?" Jeon asking back while opened her eyes and looked into Yuri's.

"Jeon?" the younger girl suddenly called which then Jeon replied with a short hummed. "Is this really you?" Yuri asked whilst looking deep into Jeon's eyes.

Jeon rose her eyebrows and reply, "W-why? Is there something wrong?".

The younger girl then shook her head and smile, "No., there's nothing wrong but, how can you suddenly acted like this?".
Jeon started to frown as she didn't understand with what the younger girl has said. "You mean like what?"

Yuri turned her gaze to Jeon's chest, trying to tell the older girl about their situation. Jeon then looked at her lower part as she knew what the girl's meant.

"It's you., you're the one who turned me like this" Jeon said playfully.

Yuri face suddenly change to serious. "Do you fuck someone for fun or what?" she asked right after she sat down. The older girl then replied after she heaved a sigh, "I didn't make out just for fun. I do it cuz' of you. You turned me on last night, I don't remember which part b-but, I really feels like I want you" she explained.

"So., you meant, you likes me?" Yuri curiously asked again and Jeon nodded.

"You love me?" she asked another question excitedly looking at the older girl. Again, Jeon nodded with a bright smile whilst open her arms asking for a cuddle with Yuri. "Can we just spent our time like this?"  Jeon ask and pulled Yuri into her arms.

"Thank you Yuri" she added.

"Thanks for what? for last night?" Yuri said, chuckled. "Geez not for that.-" Jeon chuckled too before continue, "thanks for always here with me. You totally changed me. I'm not a person who easily talks with someone else but then you showed up and I can't even remember when I started to open my mindset for everything".

Yuri who listened to it felt so proud, not proud with her existence but proud with Jeon's personality change. She cupped the older girl cheeks and place her lips against Jeon whilst closed her eyes.

Few seconds after that, the two stopped as they're out of an oxygen and looked into each other's eyes.
"Are we special now?" the younger girl asked, which then received another kiss from Jeon before she replied "yes" in between of the kiss.

Jeon then stopped and pulled the younger girl into her arms, back hugging her tight before caressed her hair down.

"We have a lot of time today, you should tell me what happened last night" Yuri still don't know about the bruises on Jeon's cheek. She wanted to ask last night but she don't have a chance to, so she remain silent. "We actually didn't have lot of time though, cuz I have to go work and like what I said, deja vu or karma?" Jeon answered.

"What do you mean?" Yuri frowned.

"I tried to help your sister last night but the girl from next building mistook it and she hit me after that" she explained whilst her hand are busy playing and squeezing Yuri's hand.

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