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3 days has been passed and Jeon hasn't found the guy that her boss were looking for.

It's already 10 PM when Jeon suddenly felt like to hang out at the convenience store that is not far from her place.
Just with a gray hoodie, a black pants and a black cap, she's ready to go out.

She stepped out from her gate and found Yehshu was there infront of her walking to the same direction. She wanted to greets Yehshu but knowing their relationship weren't that close yet, so she decided to just stay quiet. Plus, she's not the type to greet people at the first place, that is why she act like that.

Yehshu who walks at the front feels like someone were following her. She took a glance to her back and was flinched, immediately holding her chest, same with Jeon who also shocked by the reaction.

"Why are you following me?" Yehshu asked.
Jeon looked to her back and side before pointing at herself and rose her eyebrows. Yehshu nodded but Jeon didn't even reply.
She walked pass Yehshu and leave the young girl behind as she answer the question by action. Which means, she didn't follow the girl, she just want to go to the convenience store which is at the same way.

Yehshu silently looking at the short girl, frown before continue her step to the place she wanted to go too.

As Jeon arrived, she took a cup of ramyeon, a sausage, cheese and a can of coke. She pay it first before heating the sausage in the microwave oven and cook her ramyeon.

Next to her was Yehshu, also making her own ramyeon and waiting for it to be done.

Few minute later, they sat at the same table. After taking her first bite, Jeon hesitantly asking Yehshu as she felt awkward with that moment.
"Why are you alone? Where's your sister? or your friend?".

Yehshu wipped her lips with her thumb and put down her chopstick before answering. "My sister, she's at home. My friend, she said she has something to do".

Jeon nodded as she knew that Anna maybe working on with the mission. "Still not going well with your sister?" the short girl asked and Yehshu nodded.

"May I know why?" Jeon didn't even know why she kept on asking the girl. She felt like it wasn't her at all. She never asked people lot of questions in real life other than the agent. But different with this two girl she just met. Their bonds somehow makes her feeling the same and telling her to be close.

She shook her head and took another slurp of noodle.

"I might be hurting her more. Cuz' 3 days ago I noticed a mattress in our room. W-we, I-I mean I was bragging to her about my friend's nicest bed and maybe she hurts by my words" Yehshu lowered her head down to her ramyeon.

Jeon tapping on the table next to Yehshu's ramyeon, "Hey, don't worry. I'll talk to your sister later, okay?"

With that, Yehshu smiling back and grab her chopstick before taking another bite. "Thank you neighbour".

"Jeon, just call me Jeon" Jeon chuckles.

Yehshu smiled widely and continue, "Thanks a lot Jeon and I'm sorry for being so rude towards you few days ago. I just can't stand when you suddenly beating my friend without a reason"

The short girl nodded, "Me and her are something. I really don't know how you can be her friend when she's totally weird". She opened her coke while saying it.

"She's a good friend of mine and I really liked her" the young girl admitted.

"Hi?" A voice suddenly came greeting them two. Looking at the owner of the voice making Yehshu sighed.

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