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"So excited huh?"  Alice curiously ask.
"Of course I am. I'm so happy for my sister, why, is that forbidden?" Yuri reply.

Minji already smiled while Yehshu still looking at the outside of the window.

"Seems like she doesn't have friend before" Alice added.
Yuri mute for a second before reply, "Yes we are.." she said while lowing her head down looking at her lap.

"Okay, now stop Alice. Let's be their friends now" Minji suddenly said after noticed Yuri's tone of her voice change.

"Sorry., I- I didn't mean to.." Miyeon replied, already felt guilty.

Yuri shrugged her shoulders and giving a weak smile while saying, "You don't have to say sorry by the way. It's okay, you don't know about it at all"

Minji looked at her best friend after stop her car at the traffic light. She put her hand  on Alice's lap and quietly caressing it with her thumb while mouthing a 'don't worry, not your fault' towards her best friend. Alice put her hand on Minji's hand and smile before nodding.

(Time skip)

Alice went back to her clinic while Minji send the two siblings to their home.

"Thanks for sending us home! Hope to meet you again later!" said Yuri after off from the car with her sister.

"Of course we're going to meet again. Why don't you invite me to your house? I can help you to find your father without telling my higher-ups about it" Minji reply with a smile plastered on her face.

"Really!? Sure, why not! Come. But, we don't have anything in our home yet, will that fine?" Yuri reply back.

Minji nod and turned off the engine. "I came to help not to asked anything" the older said after went out from her car. She followed Yuri from her back and walked up to their house.

Yehshu already opened the door for them. She walked straight to her room and stayed there while Yuri talking with Minji in a living room.

"She's a shy person, isn't she?" Minji asked pointing at Yuri's room. Yuri nod and smile. "So, can I know more details about your family? About your father?" Minji asked while landing her butts on the floor. "But, I will leave after around 30 minutes later, so can you make it fast? Just tell me that which part you haven't telling me yet" Minji said with a note and a pen on her hands.

(Jeon POV)

'So boring...!
But still, I don't have a mood to play a game. What should I do then?
My wound quietly feels better now. I can move faster than before. Wait, it's been a long time I didn't go to the rooftop. I should go there, and have some fresh air.' I thought.

I grab my hoodie and went out from the house. I saw my neighbour's door were wide open and I saw a new figure talking with her which I guessed she was her friend or family. I just walked up the stairs and open the rooftop door. As soon as I open the door, a wind softly hitting my bare skin. So fresh and not so cold or so hot due to the sun at the time which is still 01:00 p.m. But, still I need my hoodie.

"Fu*k!" I whisper-yelling when I saw a girl smoking at the next building, smiling at me. Urghh! I forgot to check through the window just now. How silly me.

"Hey! Whats up?" she shouting asking me. I don't have any other way then to just walk to the center of the rooftop, face-palming and slowly enjoying the moment of breathing a fresh air and totally ignoring the girl from the other rooftop.

But after a few moments, I could smell her cigarrate smoke. I turn to her side and realized that she still looking straight to my face with a smirk. What a crazy girl.

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