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After a few hours later, Mr.Song slowly opened his eyes, looking around him to find his daughter.

"How do you feel sir?"

"Where's my daughter?" he anxiously asked, weakly sat up.

"Your daughter? she told me that she have something urgent to do. Don't worry about her sir, she's fine. She was the one who brought you here and she said that she will back after everything went well" Alice replied, not knowing that the guy actually Yuri and Yehshu's father not Jeon.

Mr.Song relieved a thankful sigh with a little bit flinched as he move his shoulder.

"Do you need help, sir?" the girl ask again.

The man shook his head and took a few deep breath. "Thanks for helping me" he said with a little smile.

"What is your relation with my daugher?"

Alice fix her seat and cleared her throat, "We're a friend since two years ago, but never see in a real life. We never know how our face like, what is our gender, where we live, our age, and many things. We met through a game that we always play at night. She's a good friend. At first, I didn't know she was a girl, cuz' whenever we play a game, we never switch on the mic. We only communicating through chatroom, that's the way how we get to know" she stated.

Mr.Song took the girl hands, "Thank you for always there for them. I appreciate that, so much". Alice creassed her eyebrows, not understand why he use 'them' than 'her'.


"Babe, let me dry your clothes first" Anna asked a permission to take off Yehshu's clothes to dry them since it's too wet.

After she took it all off, Yehshu shyly close her private parts with her hand. Anna noticed her girlfriend's reaction and push the younger girl to the bed before covering her with the blanket.

"You should take a rest, okay" she softly said while caressing Yehshu head.

The younger girl nodding, "You didn't take off your shirt? You look so cold too".

Anna softly chuckles.

"I'm waiting for the delivery to come first, and I'll dry mine after that" the older girl reply.

Not long after that, someone ringing the bell and Anna directly went to the main door. She took the food in, and put it on the desk next to the bed.

She then grab the towel and passed it to Yehshu to cover herself.

"Will you okay to eat by your own or want me to feed you?" Anna asked once she gave the towel.

"It's okay Anna, I can eat by myself. You should dry your clothes too" said Yehshu after covered her body with the given towel.

"Wait here, I'll change to towel too and feed you after that" the older girl went into the bathroom to take off her clothes and wear a towel to covered her body.

Few seconds later, she stepped out and placed their wet clothes on desk and others on the couch near the window.

Yehshu eyes on her girlfriend, watching her move back and foward.

"Am I make you waiting?" Anna sat front of Yehshu who eyes still locking on her. The younger girl shook her head with a little smile plastered on her lip.

"You must be hungry, did they give you food to eat?" Anna asked, Yehshu nodded.

"That's good then but what did they feed you?"

"Bread" Yehshu reply short, holding her tears in. She don't want to tell the whole story to her girlfriend when the kidnapper only gave her the bread once in a morning and nothing after that, same with water.

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