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(Jeon POV)

I don't see the girl anymore, maybe went out dealing with her job already. I don't push myself to get the offered though, can't believe that she's willing to stab me just because of the job last night.

I'd done informing the agent for not participating with that girl anymore, cuz' I'm already injured. Plus, I'm taking a leave for a few days until my wound heals.

Wished for a good luck for that girl.

She's too greedy and don't want to cooperate. Telling me to leave even though we're not living in the same building.?
She wants the job all done by her and got the salary by herself.

I don't care that much about the job last night, cuz' I knew I'll got another great offer after that. But now, knowing I can't because I'm still weak and my wound are still looking fresh makes me feeling down and sad for a little bit.

Damn, she shouldn't do this to me.

(Third person POV)

Jeon lying on her bed with her hand covered the wound and blankly stared on the ceiling while lots of thoughts playing in her mind. She shrugged it off and try to sleep.

Suddenly, a noise voices came from outside the house which woke her up. Much more a voice of a guy.

She weakly stood up before preparing herself from any kind of dangerous thing. Hand still covered the wound, feet slowly stepped forward towards the main door of the house. She peeking through the hole, and there she saw a new neighbour moving into the empty house front of hers.

She heaved a sigh when at first she thought it was an enemy or that girl came disturbing her again but they aren't.

"Dear new neighbour, why so noisy when you didn't even bring any furniture with you?" Jeon said which can only be heard by herself.

After a few second peeking at the door, Jeon moved to the living room slowly. Slowly land her butt on the couch before took a deep breath.

After got a wound, she easily to feel tired and sleepy. Even got no power to play a game with her new squad.

(2 days has been passed)

10:30 A.M.

Jeon can't stand anymore with the pain she had felt. She got no medicine in her house to reduce the pain so she made a decision to went out and buy some pills.

She holding the stairs side holder firmly and slowly walking down the stairs. But as soon as she arrives on the first floor, a new girl accidentally hits her wound which also surprises Jeon and makes her falls to the ground.

She immediately hold her wound and hide her expression when the girl continuously saying sorry to her. Jeon stood up after a helped by the girl.

She lean her right hand on the girl's shoulder while her left hand covered her wound. She's trying her hard to hide the stain of blood on her shirt from the girl.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" the girl said.

Jeon muted as she really felt pain on her belly. Her face was pale and her breath kept coming in and out. The girl already panic and don't know what to do. "Take me to AL Veterinary Clinic please" Jeon said weakly before falling unconscious.

The girl stop panic for a moment as she look at Jeon lying on the floor before her eyes. With a deep breath she took, she's screaming out loud. Shocked with what just happened. She remembered it was just a slight touch on Jeon's belly and can't believe that Jeon can faint after that.

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