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"What is it?" Jeon asked calmly as she arrived and sit down. "I want you to find this guy-" the agent reply and show her a picture of a middle age man. "He stole our boss's money and things before ran away" he added.

"How much he took and what things he stole?" Jeon asked again. She took the picture and move it close to her eyes to look at it clearly.

"He took around 2473.72 USD. The things that he stole was ...- something that was important" said the guy who was hesitant to tell the truth. Jeon looked into the guy's eyes. "Your boss totally lost a lot of money. Will he able to pay me after that?"

The guy nodded weakly. "I don't trust you" Jeon spit her thought.

"Do you already tell that girl about this?" Jeon asked again. Asking if the agent does tell about this mission to Anna or not. "Yes, through message?" he confidently replied.

Jeon heave out a sighed and face-palming. "What will she do to me this time?" she said weakly. "What else about this target?"

The agent widely smile as he saw an interest on Jeon's face.

"Well, we don't have a lot of data about him right now cuz' he managed to took all of his information data which is his files and all we have right now is only this picture" the agent weakly smile and tapping his finger on the picture. Jeon turned her gaze towards the guy and stare at him for a few second, "You gotta be kidding me. Like seriously? That's all?".

The guy nodded and try to smile but he failed as he scared looking at Jeon's gaze. He's gulping and move her gaze to the other side.

"How much pay I'll get and how many days I have?" Jeon rest her arms on the table waiting for the answer.

"You'll get the exact money he took as long as you get back what he stole in seven days" a sudden hoarse voice interrupts them. He walks near to Jeon and bending down close to her face. "If you can't able to get the things back, you know what happen after that" said the guy with smirk on his face.

Jeon chuckled and smirks too, "You threatening me to get this guy? me a girl? while you guys.., w-what exactly you guys did?"

"No more question, just do what you'd been told" the guy said sternly. He stand up again and leave the place.

"Who is he?"

"H-He is our boss" the agent stuttered. "and what's wrong with you? Trembling like it was your first day" Jeon mocking on the agent.

"You have to take this serious Jeon. Our boss lost lot of his things right now. And the things is really important to him. I trusted in you Jeon. If you can't get the guy in time, please do have the things before the times ended" he explained.

"Now you make me realized it" Jeon reply rose her eyebrows before left the place with a picture in her hand and a worried expression plastered on her face. She kept looking on it and looked around her to see if they are matching, but of course there aren't.

(time skip)

Anna sent Yehshu off in front of her gate. Once they stepped out, Yuri yelling at them and ran towards Yehshu. She hugs Yehshu tightly before hit her sister arms few of times. Anna move forward to stop Yuri but as soon as she pulled Yehshu to her side, a strong punch hit her face and makes her fell to the ground. Yehshu gasp closing her mouth with her hand.

"What's now?-" Anna groan in pain holding her cheek. "again?" she added as she saw the person who throw a fit to her face. "W-why you hit her?!" Yehshu shout before bending down and caressing Anna's cheek.

"And what should I do then?" the girl who hit Anna shout back.
Yuri looked at her sister and she pulled Jeon away from them. "Thanks from helping but I think you are wrong again this time" Yuri whisper-yelling.

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