Alone In Winter

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Jeon went to her house and immediately switch on her computer. She started her work by tracking the owner of the face through the picture she got from the agent.

She kept on hacking lot of cctv near the area. After half an hour later, the face was detected. She wrote the address on the note and grab her things before leaving.

(Minji's POV)

I drove to the place where my partner were waiting for.

"Hey sorry, I just back from sending off my client. Sorry for making you wait" Minji said as soon as her partner get into the car.

The girl shook her head and replied, "It's okay. It's not even your first time to be late so you know, I knew you a lot" Minji chuckled as she heard what her partner had respond. "So where are we going first?" Minji asked, tilting her head looking at Sharon, her mission partner.

"The office of course, our files was in there, but before that, could you please take me to the cafe? Cuz' I want to buy some coffee before start working" Sharon said while wearing her seat belt. Minji nodded and drove her car to a nearby cafe to let Sharon have what she wants.

(Jeon's POV)

I was on my way to the location where the target was and thank goodness he's not too far from where I lived. I wear my face mask on and took a cab to the place.

Few minute later, the cab stopped and I pay the bills before stepped out. I went to the convenience store to buy a soju for the plan. Done paying, I walked out leaving the shop. Few steps forward and I arrived at the place where the face was detected which is a PC room.

I fished out the picture once again to match it with the guy I saw in there. Suddenly I saw a guy who seems afraid to be found, then I smirk. I walked to his back and placed my hand on his shoulder before whispered to him, "Gotcha!".

The guy turned his back and shocked trembling. He pushed me away and make his own way to run.

I growl in silent as I hit my back on the desk. I stood up back, right after I saw the guy were about to leave the entrance door. I then clenched my fist and ready to chase him.

I ran quietly like a ninja and saw the guy falling down to the floor with a girl after he accidentally bumped with her. I stopped for a while waiting for the guy to stood up and run away leaving the place and the girl he's bumped with. Not long after that, he left without turning his head to the back and when the guy already got no way out of there, I walked slowly closer to him with a smirk plastered on my lips and a strong gaze looking at the guy.

"Where's the things you'd been stolen?" I asked, pinching my own fingers walking to him.

"I-I d-don't know what you say" he stutterly replied.

"DON'T GIVE A SHIT TO ME!" I hurriedly step forward and hit the guy on his stomach which then he coughed while touching his belly.

"P-please let me go" he's begging on his knee.

"Not this time dude. You already waste lot of my time now" my last words before hit the back of the guy's neck which makes him faint.

I then fished out a Soju from its plastic and sprankle some of it on his shirt to make him smells as if he was drunk. I lift the guy with his arm on my shoulders before stop a taxi and went to my hidden spot.

(Minji's POV)

I park my car on the side of the road and waiting in the car while Sharon stepped out to get into the cafe. But when she was closed enough to the door, someone hit her side and makes the two of them falling to the ground. She groan in pain, caressing her left arm and her ankle. I immediately stepped out and went to her. I saw the guy's face and seems like I've been met him before. He looks so familiar, but I just shrugged and back focus on Sharon after he stood up and run away.

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