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"Don't cry Yehshu-ya. We still can wait right? Let's give dad two to three days, if he really didn't come home, let's report to the police. Maybe he's working out there, maybe he try to solve his problem too. Don't think too much, you still have me" Yuri said to me while hugging and caressing my back. I answer with a nod on her shoulder.

"Now, continue your lunch. I'll tidy up the room and our clothes first" Yuri add before let go off the hug and stood up.

I know she's in shock too. Never in our thought that dad's company will bankrupt, cuz' whatever we asked or need, dad always give or prepare it for us.

He never broke his promise too.

But, it's different now.

(Yuri POV)

I walked enter the bedroom leaving Yehshu alone in the living room to let her having her lunch.

I close the door closely to prevent Yehshu to see me in shocked expression. I can't cry cuz' Yehshu can notice it fast.

As what I told her just now, I move to every corner to clean and tidy up everything to it's place. We don't have any furniture cuz' dad brought us here in a hurry. So we only bring what's important to us, which is clothing, body lotion or facial products, syampoo and I also brings my hoverboard too. That's all. The house was super empty, with no washing machine, no televisyen, no fridge, no bed, no curtains, no aircon, no maids, no nothing at all.

It's my first time to live this way. I hope I knew how to survive with my sister without our dad with us.

I stop from doing my work as I see a dust on the floor. I heave out a sigh and face palming for not noticing it earlier. I put my luggage and my sister's to the corner before went out to get a broom or a vacuum to clean it.

"Yehshu did you see a broom?" I asked Yehshu who just done eating her lunch.

"We don't have it" she replied short.

"Ah, I forgot. Wait here, I'll ask from our neighboor if they can lend it for awhile" I said and went out.

I hope our neighboor was kind enough so that I can talk with them. I rang the bell. But no one open the door.

"Is anyone there? I'm sorry to disturb you but can I borrow your broom or vacuum? I'm your new neighboor by the way. Excuse me..?" I shout calling for the neighboor out.

A minutes has passed and still no one answer my call. No one open the door nor reply my shout. I rang the bell again and wait.

"Who are you?" a voice came from my back greeting me.

I turn to my back and bow, "I'm a new tenant here, do you know who lives..- wait! you're the girl from this morning aren't you? The one who fainted?"

"What do you want from the people who lives in that house?" the girl asked with a low tone.

"Uh?.., I., I want to borrow a broom. We don't have a thing to clean the house cuz' we just moved in yesterday. By the way, are you okay now?" I asked her back after answer her question.

The girl only look at my face before walk forward close to me. Too close that can make me super trembling. Slowly she raise her right arm to my side. 'Is she going to lean her arm to the wall like in drama when the main cast want to kiss or something?' I thought.

Not long after she raise her hand, a sound of keys kept on ringing next to my ear. 'Oh?! She wants to open the padlock? Is she the owner of the house?'

"Could you move aside? I want to enter the house" she said while look into my eyes.

"Are you my neighboor?" I asked her.
I notice her creasing her eyebrows a little bit which later I move a bit to my side to give her some space to get into her house. Once she enter her house, I followed from the back.

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