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"Are you okay now?" Jeon softly asked as she lower her head down to look at Yuri. A slight smile suddenly appeared on her face when she noticed Yuri already slept in her arms. She lift Yuri up with a bride-style to her own room to give Yuri a better spot to sleep. Soon after she gently put Yuri down to her bed, she stay beside her looking at Yuri soft cheek, nice eyelashes, beautiful face, and pink-ish lips.

She didn't even realize for how long she'd been staring at the young girl. The room getting dark and darker as the Sun slowly went down and changed the role with the moon. And there, Jeon slowly stood up leaving the young girl and walked to the kitchen to cook for dinner. She prepared some ingredients on the table before start cooking.

Once she done with the everything, she went back to her room to woke Yuri up and have their dinner together.

She sat next to Yuri, caressing the young girl's hair which closed her beautiful face. Soon after she put aside Yuri's hair, the young girl slowly open her eyes. "H-hi? How are you feeling?" Jeon asked as she move her hand to her lap away from the young girl. "What time is it right now?" Yuri asked yawning. "Almost 9 PM-" Jeon replied short before stood up and continue her speech, "I already cooked some dinner for us, but , I'm not a good chef so, I hope you like it and I'll wait you there in the kitchen" she said and left Yuri behind.

Right after she closed the door, she lean on it and placed her right palm on her chest. She could feel her heart beating fast. "W-why? I-I just saw her face, listening to her voice, what else? Why I feels like I had done a crime? Oh, well I do, it's my job but what is this feelings? I'd never had this before. Even when I done or finished my missions, this is a very first time I had this feelings. Wait, it's not the first time though, my heart beats so fast too when I saw the g-" she didn't finish her words as Yuri suddenly open the door and shocked the both of them.

"Jeez the fuck!" Jeon said whisper-yelling while both of her hands immediately on her chest as her heart beating so fast and making her hard to breathe. Yuri frown at first before shocked with Jeon sudden reaction as she walked near the girl. "Hey, hey... what's wrong? I-I'm sorry if I make you shock when I supposed to knock the door first. Ehh., nope, I was in the room not at the outside, why would I knock the door though? Nevermind, I really sorry. Do you have asthma? Where do you put your medicine?" Yuri asked as she slowly felt worried with Jeon.

Jeon shook her head, informing the young girl that she didn't have asthma and directly went to the kitchen to drink some water and calm herself back.

"You're the one who should be ask, 'how was your feeling now?' cuz' you look so sick. Are you okay?" Yuri asked, slowly land her butts on the chair while still look at Jeon. Soon after she saw Jeon nodding her head, she changed her gaze to the food which placed on the table front of her. "The smells so good, the visual too. Come-" Yuri pat on the chair next to her before continue, "sit here. I can't wait to taste your foods" said Yuri excitedly. Jeon put the cup she's been holding to, to her side and she hesitantly sat next to Yuri.

"You can taste it first, don't mind me" Jeon said once she pass the chopstick and spoon to Yuri. "Oh wait, I forgot about my sister" the younger girl said looking at the foods sadly and almost put the chopstick down.

Jeon holds Yuri's hand back and gave her the chopstick before saying, "I already gave her some right after I'm done cooking".
Yuri smiles back and happily took her first bite and turned to Jeon side. Her eyes widen as she taste the food and pulled Jeon into her arms and hugs her tight. "It's so delicious. I bet Yehshu also like the foods too. Thank you so much Jeon! I can't believe you treat my sister well too" Yuri excitedly said still hugging Jeon. The younger girl later let off of the hug and noticed Jeon's face getting red that make her chuckles with it.

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