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"They got Yehshu! I need your help" Jeon said right after Anna opened the door.
Without waiting for any explaination, Anna ran into her room to get her things up and back to Jeon.

Anna hands another helmet to Jeon, cuz she will ride her motorcycle to the place where Yehshu were located, while Jeon gave Anna the address. Anna immediately took the address from Jeon and she nodded and left the place right away.

As they were close to the mentioned place, Jeon tap on Anna's shoulder to make her stop her bike.

"Why?" Anna asked, soon after she stop her bike to the side of road.

"We can't just get in there without planning?" the short girl stated holding her helmet on her head.

While they were thingking about their plan, Jeon's phone suddenly rang. She fished it out and jumped off from the bike.

It's a video call from an unknown number. She furrowed and questioning herself wether to answer or decline it.

She don't want to waste a lot of time when they have to save Yehshu immediately. Not long after that, she got a text from the unknown number just now with a content of two pictures which is Yuri and her father were tied up in their home and one was Yehshu who threaten to death.

Her phone was dropped on the ground, eyes widen and mouth gasping. "Why? What's wrong?" Anna already worried as she felt something bad might happen regarding with the short girl reaction.

She get off of the bike and picked up the short girl's phone before look at it screen.

"You g-gotta hurry now! Go save Yehshu, I'll back to Yuri. Someone is w-with" Jeon took her phone back from Anna who haven't see the contents yet and ran to the other street.

Anna furrowed but she could sense something about Yuri, so she decided to leave Jeon and drive away.


"Let me go, you bitch!" Yuri shout at the girl who tied them up. "Just, why did you do this to us? What did my family have done to you?" she added.

The girl who tied them chuckled. She then show the two her laptop which is Yehshu in it, also being tied and her eyes was covered while trembled as she felt so cold.

The girl then squat infront of Yuri's dad, "I don't want to waste my time any longer now, all I want from you is to admit that you're the one who stole the drugs and in debt with those gangster. Simple, isn't it?".

"W-what?" both daughter and father gasped in disbelief. They were being forced to admit for something they didn't make.

"I believe that you'll not waste any of my time right now, can't you see that your daughter is on her way to meet her God?" said the girl smirks.


The girl rose her brows and chuckled. "And what will happen if I touch her? Even now you can't free youself from there" she pointing at the rope around Yuri.

"1 minute left, wanna admit or not?" she asked again.

"YOU SHOULDN'T THREATENING US! WE DID NOTHING TO Y-" Yuri's dad suddenly stop her from getting more out of control. "D-don't hurt my daughters. Please let them go, I'll do what you want me to. I'm begging you, please" Mr.Song begged on his knees.

"No dad! NO!" Yuri shout again.

"What no sweetheart?" the girl smirks looking at Yuri and make a phone call to someone who work with her.

"Release her. You know what I mean? Push her now!"

"NOOOOO!!!!!" both daughter and father screaming out loud, trying to stop the girl from doing what she said.

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