32| Stalker

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"There!" Ryuhee pointed at a stall selling accessories a little far from the sea, stretching her hand out to make it clear to Taehyung who was carrying her on his back with a scowl on his face.

"I am tired," he cried out, hoping for his wife to understand that they were on a honeymoon and not on—Some freaky adventure—as Taehyung liked to call Ryuhee's curiosity trip. "Can't we just go to our hotel room and cuddle instead?"

"Come on!" Ryuhee persisted, "We are in Hawaii. When do you think will be the second time, we will get the chance to come here?" Taehyung sharply exhaled, bringing a frown on Ryuhee's face. "I hope never."

"Put me down."

Taehyung did as he was told. He knew that he was in for a long preach at that time. But to his surprise, Ryuhee spoke only two sentences. "You can go to the hotel. I can hang around on my own."

"Yeah, right. Do you really expect me to leave you with those hungry predators all around who are eyeing you head to toe even though you are wearing a simple sundress and when you are clearly you are with me? No one knows what will happen if they see you alone."

"And do you think I can't handle a bunch of men who are just simply attracted to someone so gorgeous like me? Geez Taehyung, I am a lawyer, not some lousy businessman like you."

"Do you want to pick a fight with me? It's fine by me but don't complain later since you are the one who started it." Ryuhee let out a scoff. Her lips parted, indicating that she was about to retort but got cut off by another tourist.

"Excuse me, do I sense an argument—any sign of getting separated?" That girl sent a flirtatious wink to Taehyung. His eyes widened—knowing that this girl would only complicate the situation between him and Ryuhee.

He really wanted to spend some relaxing time with her as it had been only a day of their marriage—the end of a hectic created by his mother by not letting them meet with each other.

But then another mischievous idea came to his mind to make Ryuhee jealous and to gain her attention on him rather than on these—cliche nature things—as Taehyung referred to it.

"I don't know," the male cockily stated, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "Do you want us to?" The girl shyly tugged a few strands of her hair behind her ear. "I gu—"

"We are married!" Ryuhee yelled, interrupting the girl's words, before taking Taehyung's hand and dragging him up to their hotel room. The male internally patted his shoulder for finally be able to achieve what he wanted.

However, soon his celebration ended when Ryuhee was packing her bag. "Where are you going?" Taehyung asked. "Back to Seoul." His eyebrows twitched, not being able to understand it at all.

"I thought you liked Hawaii?" He questioned. "Yeah." She rolled her eyes, throwing a dress in the luggage. "I also liked the person I came with but not anymore."

"Babe, I—" Ryuhee shook his hand off of her own hand. "I won't go back on one condition. From now on, I will hang out in places on my own and you will be in this room all day."

Taehyung squinted his eyes. "The hell I am gonna let you do that." Ryuhee plopped down on the floor. "What do you expect from me—to just stand and watch when those girls flirt with you and you respond to them every time? It's better for me to flirt with other guys in the meantime."

The male clicked his tongue, sitting in front of her on the floor. "Are Jimin and my stepbrother already not enough? That Jungkook clings to you like a bubble gum every time we visit my mom's house. And Jimin—gosh that was a hell of a ride seeing you kissing him and giving him all the attention when I was right there beside you."

Ryuhee gasped. "So are you trying to get back on me?" Taehyung dropped his head in his hands. "No babe, I just wanted to steal a little attention of yours. I just wanted you to look at me for once—not Jungkook, not Jimin, not that accessory shop—just me."

"I didn't realize you felt that way." Taehyung held the side of her face, caressing it gently. "Because I never told you. Just at the times, another girl comes into picture, you look at me."

"That's not true." She shook her head. "I am looking at you now." Placing a kiss on his lips, she spoke again, "I look at you a lot more than you know. I am your stalker, remember?"

Taehyung chuckled, remembering her way of noticing the little things about him. "Yes, stalker ma'am." He leaned closer to connect their lips once again.


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I wanted to make this chapter more dramatic with events like Ryuhee getting lost and falling in danger but then I remembered that she's a lawyer. So...

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