14| Imposter

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"Is that your girlfriend, Tae?"

The voice snapped them both, out of their arguement. Ryuhee saw a middle aged woman was wearing the same maid outfit as the waitresses.

But something was wrong. The woman was stunning and somehow seemed familiar even though she had never seen her.

"Mom!" Taehyung dropped his head down on the table in embarrassment. "What are you wearing?" He mumbled but Ryuhee could hear him.

"Mom?" Her voice was higher than usual. She was shocked. The woman was middle aged but to think that she was the mother of a twenty six years old guy seemed impossible to her.

But that explains the familiar part though. Taehyung got his good looks from his mother. They resembled each other.

"It's so nice to hear you call me mom." The woman engulfed Ryuhee in a hug, completing misunderstanding the situation. "Where did you get such a cute girl?" She asked Taehyung.

Ryuhee was still processing the situation. She was too taken aback to correct her misunderstanding.

"What are you doing here, mom?" Taehyung questioned his mother in return. He was extremely distressed to see her in this way. "Just inspecting if everyone is doing their work properly," she smugly stated.

Taehyung scoffed. Never in a million years. "The fact is that you are here to check if you can still fool customers into thinking that you are a teenager."

Taehyung's mother lightly hit his arm. "Why would I do such a thing?" She side-glanced Ryuhee, asking his son to not ruin his mother's reputation in front of his girlfriend.

Ryuhee was still in the middle of trying to process. So she was silent. "Look what you did to her by that outfit of yours?" Taehyung motioned his hand toward Ryuhee.

"Aww dear—I am sure you will pull off this maid outfit too. Do you want to wear it?"

Ryuhee hurriedly waved her hands. "No, thank you." Taehyung closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "Anyway, it is good that I got to meet you two today. I have something to give you. Wait here for a sec."

"Don't mind her." Taehyung muttered, looking elsewhere.

His mother, Ms. Na was back with two envelopes. "Here." Ryuhee glanced at the male once, getting a look of emptiness from him.

Taehyung, himself did not know what to say. He just knew that he could not let her mingle with his happy-go-lucky―according to him―slightly crazy mother.

The moment his lips parted, Ms. Na forcefully handed the younger female one the envelopes and the other in Taehyung's.

Ryuhee slowly opened the scarlet envelope to reveal a card which turned out to be an invitation card after she had unfolded it.

"You are all welcome to the wedding of Jeon Jaehyun and Na Mirae," Ryuhee read out aloud with a dazed expression, bringing out a shy yet bright smile on the older woman's lips.

She is gorgeous.

Ryuhee noticed it before as well but she did not look her age at all. "Be sure to come, okay?" She murmured to the girl who was admiring her revealingly.

"What about me?" Taehyung spoke in a whiny manner, puckering his lips. Ryuhee's jaw dropped, not being familiar with this side of the man who always acted so cocky.

If something, I thought he wouldn't want to go to the wedding.

"Of course, you are invited. You are my only son and you will be getting a brother through this wedding. I hope you two will get along well." She caressed his son's hair.

That was when it hit Taehyung. His mother will no longer be his alone. It was not like that he ever received her care given that he was alone for the most part of his life. Still it somehow managed to prick him.

"Let's go," Taehyung said, wanting to leave the place soon to hide his disappointment. "Huh?" Ryuhee hurriedly followed him from behind as he was already a lot of steps ahead of her thanks to his overly long legs.

"You are quite a momma's boy, I must say," Ryuhee remarked while struggling to keep up with him. "I thought that you would say that you don't want to go to the wedding."

Taehyung abruptly halted, causing Ryuhee to bump against his wide back. "Oww," she winced in pain, rubbing her nose. His left shoulder blade managed to redden her nose.

He turned around to face her. "We are not going anywhere," the male gritted thought his teeth―his jaw tightened which did not go unnoticed by Ryuhee.

"Why are you getting mad at me?"

"Because you are stupid―stupid for agreeing to go to a stranger's wedding, for agreeing to be a date of her son whom she invited just because she stumbled upon him, stupid for dating that jerk who can't even value your privacy." Taehyung pointed to the direction of the man, Ryuhee wanted to see the least right now.

Her eyes welled up as soon as they fell on Jimin's. He was just standing there. His face held expression of guilt since Taehyung indicated that Jimin had found out Ryuhee's location by hiring a stalker as he was not allowed in her house anymore.

"What are you doing with him?"


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So I finally updated this book. It's so good to see that I didn't abandon it as well. I hope I could be more consistent. But I'm sorry. So who is still reading this book after ages?

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