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A/N Listen to this while reading this. It really sets the mood :3

Link, Kogam, Zongas, Ralph, Jorulph, and Nitala each headed out with a seperate group of soldiers. All of the groups had a fair mix of Learians, Hylians, Hyrulean Gerudo, and Alomidans. Urbosa was with Nitala, as she had not seen her niece in five years.

"Okay!" Link yelled. "It's time to split up in your respective groups!"

Soldiers split up into their groups. Link had group one, Jorulph had group two, Zongas had group three, Kogam had group four, Ralph had group five, and Nitala had group six.

"I will take the first group out," Link called. "Remember, I will whistle twice and signal for Jorulph's group. Then Jorulph will whistle three times for Zongas' group. Then Zongas will whistle four times for Kogam's group and then Kogam will whistle five times for Ralph's group. Ralph will whistle six times for Nitala's group. Are we clear?"

All of the solders nodded and murmured. They seemed to know what to do.

"Group 1! To me!"

The soldiers followed Link into the desert. Link felt like something was wrong. He had thought the tides had turned in their favor, but during the war council, Link felt like he was being watched. Now, there was an aura of despair and plans gone wrong.


Ganondorf rode at the head of the full force of the Gerudo army. He was faced by a group of soldiers.

"Ganondorf!" Link yelled, holding up a familiar sword.

Is, it can't be! Ganondorf thought.

"Hello there Link," the Gerudo king spat.

"How did you know to find us here?" Link asked.

"A little bird told me that I would find three armies knocking on my door," Ganondorf smirked.

A Gerudo falcon cawed and landed on Ganondorf's wrist.

"Meet Spy," he cackled.


Urbosa was sitting on a horse and was listening. He heard the booming voice of Ganondorf.

"Things went wrong," Nitala said fearfully. "He found out."

The two Gerudo nodded at each other.


All of the Hyrulean Gerudo charged with Urbosa and Nitala. Some Alomidan soldiers and Hylian soldiers went with them, determined to aid their king. All of the Learians charged as well. Most of the force of four armies charged into the desert.

"F-FOUR ARMIES?!" Ganondorf roared.

The falcon on Ganondorf's wrist flew away.

"SPY!" a Gerudo cried.

Horses charged at the Gerudo.

"DOZOK! HAFEA! NOW!" Ganondorf screamed.

An army ran out. Barbaric people who had experience in killing. The Lidorans. Nitala screamed. An arrow arced through the air, about to pierce her eye.

"LOOK OUT!" Urbosa yelled.

She stared to jump off her horse, ready to sacrifice herself for her niece, but there was a shield the arrow hit instead. General Ralph held his shield over Nitala.

"Th-thank you," Nitala stammered, her face going slightly red.

Ralph returned her gaze.

"Anytime, Chief Nitala," the Learian General replied.

Nitala and Ralph ran off in different directions. Well, Ralph rode his horse, but Nitala was a swift runner.

"I saw you blush," Urbosa giggled.

Nitala went redder.

"Now's not the time," Nitala replied, riding off into battle.

"HA!" Zongas roared, slashing a Lidoran. "THAT'S FOR TAKING MY DAUGHTER!"

Zongas rode off. Urbosa surveyed the battle. She saw Link on foot sword fighting with Ganondorf. The Gerudo king was wielding the sword he stole from the sages. Urbosa did a front flip off of her horse which was then occupied by a horseless Alomidan spearman.

"Urbosa!" Nitala cried.

She was being locked under two swords of a Lidoran. Ralph came charging through and shield bashed the Lidoran. He helped Nitala up. Urbosa kept running. The Gerudo jumped and brought her Scimitar of the Seven down on Ganondorf's head. He slashed at Link then whacked Urbosa's face with the butt of his sword. Everything went dark.


"Aunt Urbosa!" Nitala cried. "We can't lose her now!"

"She's the most powerful warrior we've got," Ralph agreed.

"Let's keep fighting," Nitala said determinedly.


Kogam fought harder than he ever had before.



Ganondorf was good, there was no denying it.

"Will you give up now?" Ganondorf asked.

"Never," Link panted, sweat dripping of his brow.


Zelda, Naphi, Emili, Annika, and Atheath could only wait fearfully for the warriors to return.

"Oh Hylia," Zelda whispered. "Please bring them home safely."


Zongas fought with all of his might.



Urbosa woke in a strange place. It was a midnight blue space. There were stars all around her. A woman with blazing red hair and amber eyes was gazing at Urbosa.

"Din," Urbosa whispered.

"Urbosa," Din said. "You need to return. They need you."

Then, the Goddess of Power disappeared.


Urbosa jumped up off the sand and landed on her feet. She slashed at Ganondorf. He was caught off guard. She slashed his stomache and the Gerudo king slumped over in pain.

"Retreat!" Anaut screamed.

The Gerudo always had an emercency stretcher on hand, and Anaut pulled it out. She pulled Ganondorf onto it and she and Rubin carried him away.

"We can't rest until Ganondorf is dead," Link said.

"I vow to kill him and end his reign," Urbosa vowed.

"I vow to seal him to wherever I can seal him so he can never return," Link agreed.

The four armies trekked home. There were injuries, but thankfully no casualties or fatalities.

Thank you Din, Urbosa thought.

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