The First Attempt

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"Retreat!" Kogam yelled. "We can't win this!"

The Hylians and Learians obeyed the Hylian captain, and the soldiers retreated. Once out of the desert, they buried Jaruk. They were walking in a canyon when a figure of a man with a sword walked to them.

"Link?" Kogam asked astonished. "Is it you?"

"Of course it is!" Link said happily.

Kogam grinned at Link for a moment, then went into 'Mr. Serious Discussion' mode.

"Where's Zelda?" Kogam asked.

"She, Naphi and Jorulph are still in the dungeons of the Gerudo," Link replied.

"Then how-" Kogam started.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you I turned into a wolf," Link said, smiling wryly.

"You didn't!" Kogam gasped.

"I did," Link grinned at Kogam. "Midna, can I be a wolf?"

Kogam heard a giggle from Link's shadow, and a small person placed a crystal on Link's forehead. He turned into a wolf.

"Wow!" Kogam gasped. "We can definately use that ability!"

Link grinned after he turned back.

"Of course we can!"


"Emili," Shak pleaded. "You must stay here!"

"I have to go after Kogam and make sure he's okay!" Emili retaliated.

The love of her life was in danger, and she wasn't about to let her brother keep her from helping him. Emili didn't want to go alone, but she would if she had to.

"Fine," Shak said. "It's dangerous to go alone. I'm going with you."

Emili felt grateful for his protection. She was planning to go alone, but Shak was always welcome to come. Emili looked at the sky.

"Looks like rain," she commented. "Perfect. No one will be out during the rain."

"Don't forget," Shak reminded her. "We're going to the desert."

Emili sighed. 

Of course, she thought. There's no rain out there.

Emili shouldered her bag of provisions, strapped her sword to her back ("I can always teach you," Shak informed her.) and together the siblings headed out.


On another road, a traveler with unsteady legs was hobbling along.

I guess it don't matter whether I get there or not, he thought. I'm so old.


On yet another road, a young Alomidan girl was trying to evade capture by Lidoran slavers. She was trying to get back to Alomida, and to her parents. She squeezed her small necklace.

"Mother, Father, I've failed you and the kingdom," Princess Annika whispered.


In the desert, a young Gerudo named Ameis was taking her rations.

Why do I have to fight? she thought.

Ameis was eating a slice of bread, when her older sister, Irula, put her hand on Ameis' shoulder.

"If you don't want to be a soldier," Irula said gently. "You can go back."

"Not unless I say you can!" Anaut shouted.

Ameis rolled her eyes.

"I want to be a wool weaver," Ameis said sarcastically.

"Of course you can't," Anaut replied saltily.

"I was being sarcastic!"

"Oh really."

"I was!" Ameis finally gave up.

She put her head in her hands.

When will this fighting stop? Ameis wondered. I want peace.

A/N Oh my Hylia! Thank you so much for your support! This is the most successful story I've written! Thanks so much for sticking through!

~ Stormstar

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