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"Your majesty," said Ubasa. "The kings and queens of Learia and Hyrule have arrived."

"It's about time," Ganondorf drawled. "Bring them in."

Ubasa bowed, then left. Soon, King Link and Queen Zelda of Hyrule and King Jorulph and Queen Naphi of Learia stood in his throne room.

"Your majesties," Ganondorf said grandly. "I've been awaiting your arrival."

The Gerudo king stood up.

"If you don't mind my asking," Zelda said. "I've seen to have noticed that all of the Gerudo are female, but you are a man. Why is this?"

Ganondorf smiled. He loved answering these questions.

"Every century, a male Gerudo is born," he answered. "The male Gerudo that is born is destined to be the king of the Gerudo."

"Interesting," Zelda said, raising her eyebrows. "In Gerudo Town-"

"Gerudo Town shouldn't exist," Ganondorf stated. "A Gerudo by the name of Urbosa was supposed to be my wife, but she refused. She and her niece, Nitala, tried to run away to the desert of Hyrule, but the guards caught Urbosa. Nitala got away, and started Gerudo Town."

"There's a no men rule there," Link said, turning crimson. "I wonder why that is."

"Nitala obviously decided to not have another me," Ganondorf said. "Now, you should check out your rooms. Ubasa!"

"Yes, your majesty?" Ubasa said, walking in the room.

"Please show King Link and Queen Zelda to their room," Ganondorf replied.

Ubasa nodded and took the Hylians up to their room.

"Anaut," Ganondorf called. "Please show King Jorulph and Queen Naphi to their room."

Anaut bowed respectfully and took the Learians to their room.


"This room is beautiful!" Zelda gasped.

The sunset was making the sandstone look orange, instead of the sandy color is should be. The bed on the end of the room was made of wood from a palm tree, and the sheet was made of wool.

"It is," Link agreed. "I wonder how they got the wool!"

"They have a sheep farm," Zelda pointed at a pen where sheep were bleating. Link nodded.

"I'm going to see what there is to see," Link said. "Will you join me?"

Zelda nodded. Together, the couple headed down into the marketplace. Link saw a beautiful gold and emerald necklace that would compliment Zelda's eyes, along with her rings, the one from her mother, and the one from her eighteenth birthday that he gave her.

"Hello!" the Gerudo shopkeeper said cheerfully. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"I would like the emerald necklace," Link replied.

The Gerudo took the necklace and put it in a box.

"That would be one hundred rupees," the shopkeeper said.

Link gave her the rupees. She frowned over them, muttering something about why they couldn't be more sophisticated wood like palm coins.

"Zelda!" Link called. "I have something for you!"

Link caught up with his wife.

"What is it?" Zelda asked.

"I have something for you," Link replied, holding out the box.

Zelda accepted it. She opened it.

"Link!" she gasped. "It's beautiful!"

Zelda put on the necklace.

"It looks beautiful on you," Link said.

He pulled her close and kissed her.


Kogam walked around the castle for the fifthteenth time that day.

"Captain Kogam! Captain Kogam!" a messenger called. "Captain, there you are."

The girl was about nineteen, and she had dark hair the color of chocolate. Her blue-gray eyes shone with a fierce determination to do her job correctly.

"What is it?" Kogam asked her.

She handed him a letter.

"Thanks," Kogam nodded. "What's your name?"

"Emili," the girl said. "I'm a Sheikah decendant. My mother's mother was a Sheikah, and my father's father was a Hylian."

Emili was beautiful. Kogam didn't know what he was feeling.

"Emili," Kogam said. "Do you want to meet me at the bell tower tonight? I want to show you something."

"Sure!" Emili said. "I'll be there, sir!"

"Please," Kogam said. "Just call me Kogam."

Emili turned crimson and nodded. Kogam smiled at her. He liked her.

Is she going to be the one for me? Kogam wondered.


"Naphi," Jorulph said. "Do you know where my socks are?" Naphi sighed.

"Why do you always lose your socks?" Naphi asked fondly. "They are right where you left them." Jorulph sighed.

"I can't remember where I left them," Jorulph replied.

"They are right here," Naphi sighed, patting Jorulph's socks on the bed next to her.

Jorulph smacked his face.

"They were right in plain sight," Jorulph laughed.

Naphi moved to the desk and pulled out a piece of parchment and a pencil. She wrote: 

Dear Torrik and Esie,

We want you to know that we love you. It is very hot here in the Desert Kingdom. King Ganondorf has been very kind to us. We are in a guest room that is very nice. Your father 'lost' his socks again. He's always losing his socks, though. We are having fun, and we miss you much.

Love, Mother and Father

Naphi finished the letter and sealed it. 

"Anaut!" Naphi called.

The Gerudo came into their room.

"Yes your majesty?" she asked.

"Will you please find a messenger to deliver this message to our son and daughter?" Naphi asked.

"Right away," Anaut said.

She walked out of the room, then returned with a messenger.

"This is Redgon," Anaut said. "She is a swift messenger."

Naphi nodded. She gave her letter to Redgon, and the swift Gerudo ran off.

I hope you get our message, my dears, Naphi thought.

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