A Day of Remembrance

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A/N *wails* WHAT HAVE I DONE???????????? You're going to hate me after this (maybe not, but I think I'll hit some of you)

Kogam dismounted from his horse. He ran out onto the battlefield with Link, Ralph, and Jorulph by his side.

"Charge!" Link and Jorulph roared.

Link became a wolf and dashed forward, tearing into the Gerudo ranks. Alomidan forces pushed at the side, Learian forces pushed on the other side, and the Hylians pushed head on. The Gerudo were trapped.

"Surrender Ganondorf!" Link yelled.

"Or should I say Ganondork," Kogam heard Urbosa say.

Kogam nearly chuckled under his breath. Suddenly, Lidorans exploded behind the Alomidans and the two armies clashed in war. The Gerudo attacked there.

We're seperated from our allies! Kogam thought. How can we win now?

As soon as he thought that, a Gerudo locked in combat with Kogam, dancing away from him whenever he tried to slash at her. In a blur, she unsheathed a dagger, twirled it, and threw it. It was aimed for Kogam's gut. It would have hit him if it weren't for the person who took it instead. When the person fell, Kogam realized with a jolt that it was Emili.

"Emili!" Kogam cried.

He sunk onto his knees and cradled her head in his arms, caressing her forehead.

"Don't leave me," Kogam said as he let out a strangled sob.

"I-I'll s-see you again s-someday," she said softly.

"No!" Kogam said, tears falling from his eyes.

But it was too late. Emili had passed.


Urbosa saw Anaut. She made her way to the Gerudo. As she ran, Anaut saw her with a smirk.

Smirkity smirk smirk, Urbosa thought. Try smirking at me when you're dead!

As she slashed at Anaut, the smaller Gerudo danced back.

Luckily, I have something that will fry you, Urbosa thought.

She snapped her fingers and lightning struck Anaut. With a shriek, a flash and a boom, Anaut was gone.

I finally avenged you, my dear sister, she thought, finding someone else to fry.


Torrik shivered as he saw Kogam run out of the battle, Emili in his arms, limp.

"Emili's d-d-gone!" Rena stammered.

Her eyes opened wide as a Learian soldier sighted them. Torrik kept scratching his pencil on the paper.

It was then that Captain Kogam came out of the battle, the brave and noble Emili limp in his army. Torrik wrote. The Learian prince looked up, looked down on his paper, and erased the last word he wrote.

Kogam's army? Oops! I meant to write arms! Torrik thought.

Torrik added arms.

"What are you doing here?" a soldier asked as Kogam kept going past.

"Rena and I are writing a book," Torrik said, not looking up. "It's called The Gerudo War as told by Prince Torrik."

"Oh really," the soldier said, one of his eyebrows raised.

Torrik nodded.

"It was my idea," he went on. "Don't tell dad!"

"RETREAT!" Torrik's father yelled.

King Jorulph then called a retreat. Torrik wrote.


As Jorulph's horse's hooves pounded on the ground, he could have sworn he saw Torrik's head duck into a wagon.

That's silly, Jorulph thought. Torrik is with Rena at home, right?

To be sure, he had to go over and check, but Kogam's sorrowful face caught his attention. He went over and saw Link comforting the Hylian Captain.

"Kogam?" Jorulph asked as he saw Emili.

"E-Emili," Kogam said hoarsely. "Sh-she's g-gone!"

"I know how you feel," Link said softly.

"We should head back," Ralph suggested, giving Naphi a worried glance.

The kings nodded. They all mounted their horses and rode off.


When they got home, Shakkad, Emili's brother, ran up.

"Tell me what happened," he demanded.

Kogam hung his head.

"We were fighting," Kogam said.

He told Shak all that had happened.

"My little sister," he said, grief thickening his voice.

"She died the death of a warrior," Kogam said.

"She did," Shak said.

"We will bury her where all heroes and heroines are buried," Kogam said. "Don't worry, Shak. She'll be in good care with Din, Nayru, and Farore."

A/N WHY?????!!!!! WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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