Jaruk's Fate

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A/N: This may be a little saddening, as there is a war scene.

Torrik anxiously paced his and Rena's bunker. His head was spinning and his stomache felt terrible. He hadn't eaten anything in a while.

"You should eat something," Rena insisted. "You'll make yourself sick!"

Torrik shook his head.

"I can't," he said hoarsly. "Not until mother and father are back."

"At least lie down," Anya pleaded.

Rena and Torrik decided that Anya should know about the bunker. Torrik sat on the cot, his head in his hands. Tears fell from his face.

"Mother and Father have been kidnapped and Ralph took the Learian army into the desert and certain death," Torrik sobbed. "Uncle Link and Aunt Zelda with them, but-"

Torrik sighed. Anya moved to sit by Torrik.

"You shouldn't starve yourself or deprive yourself of sleep," Anya said. "You need to sleep and to eat and drink."

Torrik sighed again, knowing Anya won. Torrik hungrily ate a ham sandwich with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. He drank a bunch of water.

"I feel a lot better," Torrik confessed.

Rena smiled.


Kogam and Ralph stood back to back. The pair were slashing with their swords at the Gerudo.

"This isn't doing anything!" Kogam panted.

A Gerudo cartwheeled between Ralph and Kogam, separating them.

"Kogam!" Ralph yelled. "What's going on? This is crazy!"

Kogam lost sight of the Learian general in the battle, but he found the captain. Jaruk was single-handedly fighting a Gerudo swordswoman, but he was failing the battle. Kogam picked his way around the confusion to assist, but he was too late. Jaruk lost the exchange. He fell back, his sword flying out of his hand and the Gerudo slashed down. The her swords hit their target. Jaruk fell, a big gash on his stomach. His captain's uniform was torn, and he was barely breathing.

"Kogam," Jaruk groaned. "Tell Rena and Asha th-that I fell b-bravely in b-battle."

Jaruk closed his eyes. His breathing was more shaky and ragged. Blood gushed out of Jaruk's wound, staining his uniform red.

"Jaruk, no!" Kogam cried hoarsly. "Asha and Rena need you!"

"It is my time to die," Jaruk whispered, then fell silent.

He ceased to breathe. Kogam bowed his head. The first casualty. Ralph fought his way through.

"Kogam what-" Ralph started.

"Killed by a Gerudo," Kogam explained how Jaruk died. "There was nothing I could do."

Around Ralph and Kogam, the sounds of Learians and Hylians fighting seemed miles away. Kogam didn't know what to do.

"We'd better go," Ralph said, dashing through the melee.

I hope this doesn't happen to me.


Link and Midna dashed off across the sand. They saw Gerudo fighting Learians and Hylians. Link briefly saw Kogam dash through the battle.

"It's Kogam!" Link exclaimed happily.

"Don't call out," Midna warned. "They won't recognize you."

"Obviously," Link snorted. "I'm a wolf." Midna giggled.

"We should go around," she pointed out unhelpfully. Link rolled his eyes. The two crept around the battle. Link saw a soldier fall and guessed that he was captain of the Learian army, by the way Kogam looked horrified by the man's wounds.

"Jaruk, no!" Kogam cried hoarsely. "Rena and Asha need you!"

Jaruk murmured something to Kogam, then Jaruk died. Link whined sadly. Midna urged him forward. The pair moved by unnoticed.

Whatever is going on, Link thought. It must be brought to the end.

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