The Siege of Alomida Castle

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Henrik was herding Fridolf, Gustav, and Jacques along with Eryka. Jacques had a bag full of books. Henrik's brothers and Eryka (who was screaming) climbed into a wagon. Henrik and Jacques mounted Thunderflash, Henrik's horse. Thunderflash was named by Henrik himself (he was four and didn't understand that lightning was flashy and thunder was loud). Henrik and the wagon rode through the burning streets of Dridtol.

O mighty Aloma, please grant us mercy and let us pass. Please let Mother and Father and Annika know that we are safe, Henrik prayed.

He rode on and knew why Dridtol was burning; Lidora was attacking when they were weak. Henrik, his brothers, and Eryka were dressed as common folk, but that didn't stop the Lidoran warriors from running towards them. Adrenaline burned in Henrik's joints, and he spurred Thunderflash into a gallop, too scared to think. He didn't see his youngest brothers being kidnapped and their caretaker being felled by the longsword of a Lidoran. He didn't see Jacques fall off Thunderflash and land in the snow. He didn't see his brother crawl into a snowdrift. All he saw was fear.

Help me help me help me! Henrik thought.

He rushed out of the burning city and went to the only place he knew would be safe: Hyrule. He galloped as fast as Thunderflash would allow and left everything he knew behind.


Annika was lying in the grass, talking to Arthur about Alomida.

"-and then there's Zlofield," she said. "It's where the harbor is. My brothers are very fun to hang out with. I really like reading with Jacques. He can finish books in a day or two."

Arthur laughed.

"Sounds like mom," he said. "My mom is called Cazi. She is really nice. She'd like Jacques."

"Then there's Gustav and Fridolf," she said. "They're adorable and I love playing with them. Most of the time, my brothers are being looked after by Eryka, their caretaker. Henrik is the oldest out of my four brothers. Sometimes, after it rains and it's snowy, the sun shines and makes the snow look like glowing gemstones. I miss Alomida and my brothers."

"Princess Annika!" yelled an Alomidan soldier. "You have to come!"

Annika gave Arthur a worried glance and ran towards the Castle. She gasped when she saw the boy on the horse.

"Henrik!" Annika yelped. "What are you doing here? Where's Jacques and Fridolf and Gustav? Where are our brothers?"


Where are our brothers!

Annika's words rang in Henrik's head and guilt burned in his stomach.

"I left them," he said hoarsely, tears flowing from his eyes. "I was scared and I left them."

He fell to the side into his mother's arms.

"Shhh," she soothed. "Everything will be okay."

Henrik's mother held him as he wept. He was guilty for leaving his brothers when he needed them most.

How could I have done that?! his mind screamed. Why did I do that? I'm a terrible brother.

There. I can't believe that this is the 24th chapter! I don't think I've written anything this long before.... If I make it to 50 chapters I will be amazed.... I wonder how many plot twists I can come up with....

~ Stormstar 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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