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Naphi approached Link the following morning after she dreamed of Dhriti.

"Link I-" Naphi said at the same time Link said, "Naphi I-"

"Sorry, you go ahead," Naphi offered.

"Ladies first, kind ma'am," Link said as he flashed a grin at his sister-in-law.

"Fine,"  sighed Naphi. "I had a dream of Dhriti."

"Dhriti? Don't you mean Farore?" Link asked.



"She told me to forgive you, and I do forgive you."


Link smiled as he walked away, his guilt put at ease.

"Link!" Zelda yelled. "We got a report!"

Link ran over to his wife. She was looking distraught.

"Tell me," soothed Link.

A soldier walked over.

"R-Ralph!" Nitala cried.

Ralph was panting, clutching a wound in his side.

"What happened?" Jorulph asked, putting a hand on the Learian General's shoulder.

"We were sleeping," Ralph explained. "I woke to a sword at my throat..."


Earlier that week...

Ralph settled down in his tent. They were the same color as the canyon to hide them better. As he drifted to sleep, his thoughts were turned to her.


When Ralph woke, a gleaming scimitar was at his throat. A single Gerudo stood there, holding it. Ralph knew what he had to do. He rolled to the side and kicked her. The Gerudo fell, crying out in pain.

"Out!" Ralph yelled.

Smoke filled the air. Fire.

"Everyone out!"

As Ralph ran, he saw a soldier getting engulfed in the quickly-growing fire. Ash flew around as Ralph stood in the middle of the burning camp. Checking back to see if there were any survivors, it hit him: he was the only survivor.


Everyone stared in shock at Ralph. Everyone radiated fury and sorrow for the soldiers.

"At least you survived to tell the tale?" Nitala offered tentatively.

"I guess," shrugged Ralph.

How could he?! Urbosa thought furiously. He is so evil! We've all said this before, but Ganondorf must be stopped.

I don't know what to do. Help me! Give me ideas! Anything! I don't know what to do to make it even more interesting!

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