8 | Mr Macaroni

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This evening was too quiet—I was extremely bored.

Bashir would've been the one of the first few people I'd call but he had already called me earlier and said that he'd be away on a one-day trip with his boss to Katsina so I knew he was probably in the plane now.

Rayyan wasn't even an option as much as I wanted him to be—I have just one reason why.

I was so tired today but I had to attend  the last appointment I had with the Badmus' and Nafeesa who was to be my last client for the day with her husband.

I'd been waiting for almost thirty minutes but they haven't arrived. Maybe they've reconciled, but I doubt that.

Those two were just too hotheaded; they were too alike so all they did was repel.

An hour later a knock wakes me up from the little nap I'd taken to cover up for my sleepless nights—I was so sleep deprived.

"Who's that?" I groaned.

"It's me..." She paused, it sounded as if she was talking to someone behind the door, "Mrs Williams."

"Come in, please."

I adjusted my veil.

She peeped in, letting her head in first before her entire body.

"Basma Mrs Salman and her husband are here." She avowed.

"Ok, let them in."

She stood there, silent as she held a little gift bag and an envelope.

"Mrs Williams is everything ok?"

"Yes, it's just that someone dropped this for you some minutes ago." She smiled, sheepishly.

I'm sure she thought I was finally going to get married.

I really do apologise in advance Mrs Williams.

"Did he mention his name?" I wondered if it was Bashir. It couldn't be Rayyan because I'd long stopped replying his messages.

"Yes." Her eyes lit up, "Rayyan." She dropped them on the table.

I couldn't control the smile that covered my entire face.

"Thank you."

Just before she reaches the door she turns back, "I don't mean to pry but is he your boyfriend?"

Is he?

"Yes, yes."

She nods, "He's very lucky."

"Thank you." I blushed even more.

"Be good to him though, I know you." She cautioned, smiling.

Everyone said that as if they knew me more than myself—the line was already getting old.

"I will." I nodded without adding anything.

"I mean, it's not my place to say that. I'm just watching out for you as a mother should."

Her words warmed my cold heart. Well, a bit.

"I understand."

We both stared at each other, silent until I spoke, "Mrs Williams there's something I want to tell you."

She looked worried.

"Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "I just wanted to say thank you."

She smiled, looking relieved, "For what?"

"You've been so loyal to me for so long and I just wanted to show my appreciation." I cleared my voice, "I'm giving you a raise."

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