27 | Three times for charmers

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The inspector had summoned me again to discuss Basma related issues but I doubt if I could be of help with my theories.

Luckily, he called on me when I had already touched Nigerian soil with my daughters. To be honest, it's been a rough ride being a single parent who's supposed to handle three growing girls without their mother.

Ruqayyah did me dirty and I was sure Tadalesh would make her life ten times worse. I hired a nanny who would give them baths and make their food while I took them to school and amusement parts during the weekend.

All my days of the week were hectic and today was no exception. I struggled to get my three girls to school and join a work meeting a few minutes before it started.

In the middle of work, the inspector called me to remind me again to join him in his office in a few hours to which I answered reluctantly. I informed Baba Imran of the recent happenings which made him angry because he already gave the man money to let me be but his greed wanted us to keep coming back so he could make more money.

He offered to pick up the girls from school while I rushed to finish adding my contracts that needed my signature to be approved.

After all that was done I headed to the police station where I met the inspector at the entrance with two other men. One bled from his nose with two swollen cheeks and a busted lip while the other just had a dirty shirt.

In a bid to mind my business. I stopped looking at them and went ahead to meet the inspector who welcomed me politely even with Baba Imran's absence.  I could get used to this.

"Inspector, how are you?"

"Doing fine, as you can see." He smiles.

"You said you wanted to see me again."

"Yes it's about Basma."

"Have you found anything?"

"Not something concrete. But I'd like us to investigate on a person more, to see if it'll lead somewhere."

"Let's go to my office then."

The two men from the entrance walked as if they were possessed as they approached us from where we stood by the counter so the inspector could speak to some of his subordinates.

"Excuse me." The clean looking one said.

"Any problem?" I asked while the inspector eyed both of them, confused.

"We couldn't help it to overhear your conversation about Basma El-Nafaty and we just wanted to say that we have some knowledge about her whereabouts."

"You!" The inspector shouted, pointing at one of them with a swollen cheekbone. "We just finished dealing with you. Are you also a kidnapper again?"

"No sir." He huffed, "I just know something and I'm sure you're going to need it so let me help you."

"How can you be of help to us?" I questioned.

"It's confidential, so if we can go back to his office I'll gladly explain." He explained.

One of them spoke up with a smile on his face, "Shall we?"

The inspector didn't give an answer but continued to walk to his office while we followed.

He opened the door and let us in. We all took our sits and waited for him to start talking.

"Oya talk Mr Bashir! You seem to know everything except us." The inspector ordered.

"Can you assure that after I tell you that everything I'll have protection?" The beat up Bashir put a hand to his bleeding head, coughing, "There's no going back after this sir."

"We know. But we'll only protect you if you can say you weren't an accomplice to this crime."

I watched his face change to a look of worry and his hands started to shake on his laps. His other friend stayed calm and listened without speaking—maybe he wasn't involved.

"If I may ask," I started, "Who are you to Basma?"

Beat up Bashir looked at me angrily and without a thought said, "Who are you to her?"

What was wrong with him? It was a simple question not a fight. He's acting as if I said I was going to kill her.

"I just met her at the airport. We have no relationship whatsoever."

He seemed to calm down with my answer and began to speak, "Well, I'm her very good friend."

He spoke with pride and a painful smile. That wasn't my business.

I ignored him—only because I had nothing to say to him. "Inspector I say we find her former husband and question him. I did a thorough search and realized that he still involves himself in her activities—donates to her organization and has tried to contact her on several occasions."

He scratches his stubble, frowning. "I think that's a good idea but where did you get this idea from? Where are you getting the information from?"

"I have my sources." I claimed, proudly.

I had only one source which was Aaliyah. She was the one who gave me the idea to dig into Basma's ex-husband's history and what I found was far more incriminating than just being a tyrant to his wife.

He was also into witchcraft and I was only happy that Basma was able to escape from his grimy claws. Thanks to Aaliyah I was able to get his phone records and other personality information from her cousin and my way too distant cousin, Ajman.

"It seems credible so I'll get my men to bring him."

"No!" Everyone turned to stare at beaten up Bashir. He stuttered, "If I see him I'll just kill him—also he's not in this country. I believe you haven't forgotten our last conversation."

"So what do you suggest?" I turn to the tired looking one.

He sucks his teeth and say, "Inspector, I say we send a search party to find her or we go there ourselves." He adds, "With protection and everything. Jameel's a very dangerous man."

"That's a good idea." I concur but he only ignores me.

"We can take two days to prepare and communicate with our colleagues there then we can go." The inspector says.

"Yes sir." We chorus coincidentally and we all shake hands with him as if a deal had just been concluded when in fact it was yet to start and it would be a huge one between Bashir and his friend who remained quiet, only shooting daggers at his Bashir. I'm sure there's more to their partnership.

"No one is allowed to leave the country and, or this Abuja. In this moment you'll all be pronounced fugitives if you run." He declares and we all exit with our goodbyes.

Aisha SafiyanuXO💚

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