32 | James Bond Who?

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5 days later...

My eyes are wide open. The tv is showing the replay of how there was an explosion that was caused by a collision and a car exploded while those in the second car were rushed to the hospital before their car could explode too.

Five people were caught in an explosion on Friday evening at the entrance of the hotel Petals and only three survived.

Both driver's of the cars died in the front seats. While the three passengers of the second car were dragged out before the car lit on fire.

This is presumed to be a set up because the eye witness who saved the three men said he saw a man pouring petrol on the car so it could go up in flames with the other one beside them but he saved them before the car was caused to explode.

I watched the reporter narrate everything while I tried to remember what really happened. Yesterday? Today? How many days has it been since the explosion? Where's Bilal and Bashir? My phone! Where's my phone??

"Nurse." I begin to yell?.

A cleaner rushes in with her mop clothed underneath her pits, sweating then says, "Doctor? You need doctor?"


"The doctor will be here shortly."

She exits the room and in less than two minutes a woman comes in with a bright smile and stands beside my head. Her glasses were big and laying at the ridge of her nose. She looked like the nerds the guys never liked in high school cartoons.

"Are you ok? Do you remember anything that happened that day?"

"A little."

"That's great. How about your name?"




"Ok. Do you feel any pain? Headache? Your arm or back?"

"No. Where are my friends though?"

"They're in their rooms. They haven't woken up yet but one is responding to treatment while the other is still being watched."

"What's going on? Will he be able to wake up?"

"Hopefully. For the moment he's in a coma as a result of his bad head injury. You're lucky the skin of your arm burning was the only case for you but you're almost fine."

"When do you think he'll be able to wake up?"

"Give him two more days. The damage caused by the of the flip of the car gave him the worst scarring."

"And my other friend?"

"He's fine. He only woke up once and went back. We're also expecting him to be up now."

A woman barges in—petite in nature with purple scrubs and a black veil on her head with a lot of make up. She had the biggest lips I'd ever seen. I bet Dr Nassif and Dr Dubrow must have hand in this.

"Doctor, one of the patients is awake."

The doctor turn to the door with a smile and leaves. She returns soon enough with a nurse who changes my bandage before she checks my temperature and uses her stethoscope on my chest. The nurse leaves while she stays.

"Your friend is awake. He just told us his name too. He is even walking and talking. I'm just happy we could help. This hospital hasn't had a good record since about 80 people died in this hospital because we didn't have drugs to take care of them."

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