9 | Be Honest

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Like chapter 7, I'll continue with Basma's chapter here and I'll indicate when it's about to come to an end so you'll know when Bashir's chapter starts. Also, this was supposed to be a birthday update but I was so tired yesterday so here goes. Enjoy❤️

"What did you say?"

"What's wrong BasBas?" He taunted.

Only my father called me that.

"Why did you call me that?" I whispered to avoid yelling.

I found it disrespectful to my dead father, may his soul rest in peace.

"Because I'm also your father."

"You can never be my father!"

"Ask you mother." He laughed, "Oh wait, she's dead!"

He was definitely lying.

"You're lying!"

I looked at the gun that layed underneath his fingers and calculated my chances of shooting all four of the occupants of this office with me.

Would I be able to shoot him and the three other men? No one had to tell me that I was going on a suicide mission.

Instead, I folded my arms across my chest and said some dua's to calm myself down and to avoid thinking about trying to murder someone.

"I-am-lying. But what I'm not lying about is knowing your father."

Wow, mind games. Are we really doing this?

"Another lie!"

I'd already gotten too comfortable now. I knew he wasn't going to kill me here even if he wanted to. It was common sense.

He wasn't going to murder anyone in his hospital.

"Then how do I know he calls you BasBas? Or Afaf, Foof?" He smiled victoriously.

"That still doesn't count as evidence."

"You want evidence, I'll give you evidence." He pulled out an old picture from his drawer with him and my father in it.

It looked a lot like the 60s period with the puffy hair and baggy clothes. I still wasn't ready to accept anything because pictures could lie too.

Who knows if they just smiled for the camera? Who knows if they were enemies or business associates who didn't consider themselves friends but because they hung around the same circle of friends, they had to see each other often.

Now that's crazy!

"That doesn't say anything."

He plays with his beard, shaking his head, "You're still in denial child. Have you ever wondered why I didn't attend your wedding? He's the reason why!"

I frowned, confused.

He took the initiative to go on a storytelling journey.

"I met your father in the university. 1962, I remember, he was such a lively person. So loyal yet vicious. What can I say? He was a good friend until he betrayed me!"

"Don't look at me like that." He points at my already scrunched up face, "He stole what I built from scratch alone. I remember when we planned that we'd graduate and build hospitals together and head it all together but he pushed me off the ladder and left me at the bottom alone."

"I didn't think he could do it but he did. Not only did he steal my company from me, he stole my wife from me. Yes, your mother."

"That's a big lie!" I hit the table.

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