22 | Inteesar's baby daddy

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A month ago...

"Bashir I need you to give someone a package because I can't be in Abuja right now."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Inteesar will bring it to you first thing tomorrow morning. It's a small package."

"Alright. Any more instructions?"

"Yes, a man will meet you at Tantalizer's. Just give him and turn back. Make sure nobody sees you."

"Insha Allah no one will see me."

"Also I want to ask a favour from you."

"I'm listening. There's nothing I can't do for you friend."

"Thank you, it's about Inteesar. I know she has been in love with you for a long time and I don't know if you can try to reciprocate it."

"That's something that—I'm sorry, it just can't happen. Goodnight, I'll not forget to take the package."

"Ok goodnight. Remember to leave it under the table. We'll talk about this tomorrow.

The next morning...

It isn't even 07:00am and Inteesar is already downstairs waiting for me.

I'm beyond tired and still angry about yesterday's revelation.

She's watching tv when I arrive and is eating something in a little bag.

She kneels to greet me as if she's really my wife and smiles effortlessly. Her yellow jilbab made her look pretty.

Her smile reminds me of the other night she came and the smile on my face fades into a neutral look.

"Good morning Inteesar."

"Bashir! Good morning." She shyly looks at the ground.

What could she be possibly shy about after everything that she has done? She adjusts the top of her jilbab so it covers her frontal hair and she continues to smile.

"Where is the package?"

"Are you in a hurry to send me off? Sit, let's talk."

In my own house. She's telling me what to do. Ok, this should be interesting.

I sit—a good 6 meters—away from her and prompt her to speak up with a wave of my hand and the clearing of my voice.

"So," she smiles again, "About the other night."


"You look angry. Please calm down."

"What do you want me to calm down about? I told the security guard to never open the gates of this house for you because of that same issue." I begin to shout and reduce my voice immediately I notice the terror in her eyes, "You know what you did. Do you know that I hate you? You have forced me to perform an act I can be cursed forever for?"

"It wasn't like that. I just..."

"You just what? You thought if you did that I'd love you? Well you're deceiving yourself."

"What do you mean by that? Despite all the love I've shown you you still hate me. What is it you don't like? I can cook, I can clean. You've seen everything underneath this." She touches the hijab.

I suck in a breathe of realization as I start to see snippets of that nights activity. I always believed it was a dream and that it was all in my head. What my security guard told me that morning only made me paranoid and now she has testified to us really engaging in it.

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