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Part 1: Fendi Bags & Private Jets


I always thought women in Abuja were out of my league, unlike the one's I was so accustomed to in Kano. In search of greener pastures, I decided to travel to the capital city, Abuja, and today--just now, I spotted the most talked about interior decorator in town and I'd never felt more inclined to chase after her despite my wretched financial situation.

Who would ignore a woman of such calibre? Not forgetting that her deceased parents were millionaires.

I watched from afar in my car as she got into her sleek BMW 7 series.

Fantabulous! I thought.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone as beautiful as this woman here. I could even call her a witch because no woman intentionally or unintentionally has ever captivated me like this.

I mean, I've come across a lot of beauteous women in this life but this Basma just has me hooked like a fish. I don't know her yet but she just seems to be too hot to handle.

Don't get distracted! I chastised myself for ogling too much for I may transgress and forget my reason for even being here at the moment.

It felt like she almost caught my eyes staring at her but a man from the door of the bank calls her name and she averts her gaze to his direction.

It wouldn't matter though, because the windows were tinted. I strained my ears to listen in on their conversation.

I hear him say Mrs Basma.

So she's married? She doesn't look it though. But then it isn't written boldly on anyone's forehead.

I repeat her name about five times to myself and I find that it feels magical.

She forces a smile out and I hear her say, "I'm very single sir. So, please refer to me as miss now."

The thirty million Naira bag she held, alone, screamed money. You might wonder how I know but it's only because of the amount of times I had to search online for fake Gucci bags and Louis Vuitton shoes to give to numerous girls I'd toasted in the past.

She pushed the Ray Ban's that was perched above her tightly knotted veil on her head down to shield her eyes from the scorching sun.

The man whom I came to realize was the bank manager, stopped her again, just as she was about to pull the door handle of her car to give her a piece of paper. He still stood there even after she thanked him and turned away, waving at her already raised glass window. I could tell he also felt something for her. Any man would...

His eyes said it all.

But just before she drove away, I noticed the way she swiftly sized up my car before driving off into the very busy road.

My initial plan was to enter and see an old classmate that was a banker here so he'd give me a loan of four hundred thousand Naira. I decided to follow her instead to wherever she was headed since I already had some money in my account. For now, they'll suffice. Now was time to chase after the girl of my dreams so that I'd be able to create the perfect 'meeting', which would look like a mistake or rather, a coincidence, to her.

I quickly reversed out of the parking lot to catch up with her in time. The traffic has me loosing her in the swarm of cars at the junction but as soon as the traffic light turned green, I didn't see her again.

Not until, I'm blessed with the honk of a very disturbing horn that commands me to look to my left. There and then, I see her car when I'd already lost hope. She drove to an uncompleted building down the road and I made a turn so I'd follow from a safe distance.

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