Chapter 12

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Eek I'm sorry I got sidetracked

Piper's POV

It was 3 in the morning, and I still hadn't finished the lists of who was fighting who. I'd decided to go bracket style, but since Annabeth and Frank has won the hide and seek prize, two avengers would need to fight each other. So far I had decided Tony vs. Steve, me vs. Clint, and Nico vs. Thor. Why Nico vs. Thor? Because Thor vs. Jason would be the obvious choice and I really wanted to see what would happen if someone with Jason's powers fought Nico. The time ticked by until finally I had figured it out. (A/N: please excuse the awful bracket)


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                                                                        Clint(sorry the picture was kind of small with them on there, but it will be Leo vs. Clint)

I figured that was as close to equal, with some definite entertainment and throw away fights as we were going to get. Satisfied with my work, I fell asleep.

⭐️⭐️This is Bob the time skip we are skipping to the morning⭐️⭐️

I woke up and realized I had 5 minutes til everyone was supposed to meet in the gym. Cursing I threw on some leggings, and sneakers. I threw everything out of my closet thankfully finding the sports bra and tank top I had packed for this. Thank the gods Laura made me pack day by day cause she knew how awful I was in mornings. 

I sprinted threw the fastest secret passage to the kitchen. I scared everyone in there when I fell out of the ceiling, grabbed my tablet while rolling, and stood up and grabbed a piece of toast and Thor's pop tart. They were all still staring at me shell shocked as I ran out of the room, through a secret passage hidden in the wall, and ran like an army was behind me.

When I finally made it, Annabeth was walking in the door, dragging Percy. Everyone else was already there. Other than Nico, but we had all agreed to not wake him up. He was scary in the morning, I posted the matchups and we all began warming up and stretching. I joined Annabeth and Thalia on some treadmills and we all started chatting about who would win each matchup.

A: "Piper is definitely going to win, and Nico vs. Thor is definitely an interesting combo. I am worried about Hazel though, that will be a challenge for her."

P: "Definitely that's why I did it. I tried to give you a fun matchup to Thals."

T: "Oh I'm definitely excited, hopefully I thrash her. If not Annabeth you better."

A: "Deal"

We continued like that until the avengers showed up, some actually made sure to arrive early enough to warm up; Natasha, Clint, Steve, Peter, T'Challa; some arrived seconds before we were supposed to start; Tony. Since there were so many matchups for the first two rounds Everyone would have their matchups going at once.

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